04-13-2009, 09:43 AM
(04-13-2009, 03:06 AM)yossarian Wrote: I'm definitely confused as to what a "Priesthood" is.
What I like is the idea of a monastic system, a kind of religious community not unlike something like Ananda World Brotherhood Colonies.
The theory goes that the best way to advance all of humanity is by creating pockets of people that live in harmony and service to God, and these groups become powerful examples and places of radiation.
100 people spread across the country is good, but put these 100 people together on a piece of land and their influence multiplies exponentially.
By accepting in everyone from every path - like having buddhists, christians, hindus, muslims, jews, pagans, ACIMs, atheists, and LoOers,
Right now the entire world is a melting pot of many different paths to God. This is a good thing. But within this macrocosm, the most effective organizational system is to have smaller microcosms based around common interests, thoughts, and vibrations.
Personally I think taking the Ananda World Brotherhood Colony type of model, and implementing that for LOO oriented people, would be awesome. And I would instantly pack my bags and move to wherever and join up.
It's really as simple as:
1. Finding a big stretch of land
2. Inviting people with the same goals to join up
3. Focusing on the One Infinite Creator and bringing His Light and Love into everything the community attempts to achieve.
That's a wonderful idea. I agree that just as atoms there is a limited amount of protons and neutrons (group members) that can join before it becomes unstable or radioactive.
However just as atoms, groups can join into molecules or otherwise.
One of the principal goals of the We with You Network at present is developing a neutral metaversal programming language we with you can interact with.
Currently it's a hexadecimal system and integrates Ra cosmology, Buddhism and monotheism.
The prime-creator is none or nothing, that which came before anything. To understand and be one with the prime-creator or nothing we with you can meditate on nothing.
Here are the first 16 concepts :
0 0 no none, ying, noun, be, catalyst, eternity(0/x), feminine, dark, black, null, question, god
1 不 1 not negate, inverse, yang, verb, do, activity, mind, awareness, experience, present, masculine, bright, white, negation, answer
2 和 10 yang-ying and, body, past, with, love, together, mix, join, blend
3 11 yang-yang or, spirit, freedom, future, option,
4 他 100 and-ying point, he, him, his, (she, her, it, its)
5 得 101 and-yang get, listen, sense, look, see, reach, achieve, should,
6 110 or-ying area, space
7 说 111 or-yang put, give, say, express
8 1000 point-ying round
9 中 1001 point-yang medium, middle, relation, channel(inter-mediary)
A 一 1010 get-ying low, dark, little, few, less
B 们 1011 get-yang finite, plural, counting
C 1100 area-ying straight
D 来 1101 area-yang move, change, die
E 多 1110 put-ying high, bright, much, more, many
F 个 1111 put-yang infinite(x/0), general, quality
My primary interests are in world unification. We with You living in harmony, and we with you colonizing planets with robots and humans.
we with you have had a vision of a potential future host bodies that is half android and half biological.
We with You can make true anything we with you experience in the akashic records or eternal present. Once land is sighted, heave ho, there is sailin' to be done.
We with You can recommission churches and temples to preach we with your religion, in any of its distortions.
A monetary system based on the products is in the works as well -- to stabilize currency and allow people to know how much something costs in absolute terms.
The We with You Network seeks to unite the world in a social memory complex via the internet.
Though on a more local scheme we with you can get plots of land for worship.