(10-23-2010, 04:44 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:(10-23-2010, 01:01 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Even though the Veil doesn't exist in, say, 5D, if the STS entities still think they are separate, then that would indicate that they still have some sort of veil of illusion, else they would realize they aren't separate, which they eventually do realize, by 6D at the latest.
I don't think so. Don asked Ra about this. He was thinking that since the fifth-density negative friend had sat in on so many sessions it must know by now that its path was a dead end. Ra assured Don that that was not the case; that it was quite aware and quite convinced that green ray was folly.
Ra also stated that they leave behind the STS path at some point, early 6D latest, because they realize they cannot go any farther on that path.
This seems to imply that, prior to having the realization, they think they can continue on indefinitely, on the STS path. Else how could they think green ray is folly?
They are mistaken, and finally realize their mistake. What is a mistake, but an incomplete or inaccurate understanding? How could that happen, with full illumination?
My suggestion is that, they aren't fully understanding...due to some bias or for whatever reason...not necessarily a veil, but something that keeps them (literally) in the dark.
(10-23-2010, 04:44 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:(10-23-2010, 01:01 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I don't see how Ra could seek without polarity and yet still be polarized. If they seek, and they are polarized, then how can that be separated?
As Turtle said, they seek the law of foreverness, and as you said they seek the balances between compassion and wisdom. Ra also said that they seek the One Creator.
We know that they engage in polarized service from the very fact of the Ra contact itself. Also, now that I think about it, the compassion and wisdom they are balancing are themselves polarized in that their compassion is a positive, STO compassion and their wisdom, likewise, is wisdom in service to others.
We know that they engage in service. Do we know that it is polarized? This entire discussion really boils down to the definition of polarization and whether it is the same as service.
We are all in agreement that Ra serves others. What is being discussed is whether service can happen without polarity.
Ra stated they seek without polarity. I think it is reasonable to infer from that, that they also serve without polarity. That might be a wrong assumption, but it is a reasonable one.
Has Ra ever indicated that wisdom is classified as STO? Has the attribute of polarity ever been attributed to wisdom? I don't remember, so if anyone has any quotes...
I would be interested, if you or anyone else wants to tackle the many questions I raised in my last few posts.