I appreciate that you can overlook the sarcasm in my posts.
I always am happy to say what I think, and try to be succinct.
8 Reasons to vote for Secretary Clinton:
To communicate with otherselves in our social complex called the USA that:
We stand for electing a woman to be our spokesperson as our country shamefully lags behind in electing females to national offices.
We stand for the health and welfare of our children.
We demand a decent living wage and basic health insurance that is not dependent on corporations to dole about to privileged employees.
We stand for the rights of people who love each other and are committed to their earthly co-existance to have the same basic rights as heterosexual married couples.
We will tirelessly and courageously pursue all diplomatic strategies towards peace with our adversaries and never use our nuclear threat in a flippant or bellicose manner.
We will tell the word that the USA can hold together this great gift of democracy with a proper Supreme Court that would never allow women or their health providers to be to be punished for making an unpopular reproductive decision.
We might possibly begin the process of repairing our broken financial system. (Trump is only Trump, the elephant he is riding is much bigger than he even appears to be, Clinton is kicking alongside Sanders, Warren, etc.).
If a Republican picks the next Supreme Court Justice, Gerrymandering and vote buying might as well be carved into the floor of the Capitol -if you know what i mean…
Thanks for the question.
I appreciate that you can overlook the sarcasm in my posts.
I always am happy to say what I think, and try to be succinct.
8 Reasons to vote for Secretary Clinton:
To communicate with otherselves in our social complex called the USA that:
We stand for electing a woman to be our spokesperson as our country shamefully lags behind in electing females to national offices.
We stand for the health and welfare of our children.
We demand a decent living wage and basic health insurance that is not dependent on corporations to dole about to privileged employees.
We stand for the rights of people who love each other and are committed to their earthly co-existance to have the same basic rights as heterosexual married couples.
We will tirelessly and courageously pursue all diplomatic strategies towards peace with our adversaries and never use our nuclear threat in a flippant or bellicose manner.
We will tell the word that the USA can hold together this great gift of democracy with a proper Supreme Court that would never allow women or their health providers to be to be punished for making an unpopular reproductive decision.
We might possibly begin the process of repairing our broken financial system. (Trump is only Trump, the elephant he is riding is much bigger than he even appears to be, Clinton is kicking alongside Sanders, Warren, etc.).
If a Republican picks the next Supreme Court Justice, Gerrymandering and vote buying might as well be carved into the floor of the Capitol -if you know what i mean…
Thanks for the question.