11-05-2016, 01:02 PM
![[Image: horse-in-sun.jpg]](https://amazinganimalphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/horse-in-sun.jpg)
I am saddened by the level of discourse on this topic. I think that in almost all cases in this country the democrat is the more benevolent candidate, and it is an honor/duty
to be an informed voter in The United States of America.
The “chart” above is an unfair comparison, as I pointed out, between the platform of a major party candidate and the alternates (fringe). No one addressed this point.
We talked about our dissatisfaction with our government, and even our wish to not be associated with it. I call this fantasizing,
however, I am not a journalist. I am willing to take time to consider the possibility that I could be wrong. I wouldn’t consider posting
on this subject if I had not seriously researched the issues from both sides. One look, for example, just at information
on Arizona republican’s stances on animal protection would give me the shudders, and I’m not even a “furryhugger”.
Its not just Arizona, and it’s not just animal rights.
Tom Delay former republican speaker of the House, admittedly, got into Texas politics for one reason: to stop anti-pesticide legislation from passing.
He avoided all kinds of mud-slinging because he only used his power for this one issue in the legislature. (but that doesn’t mean that ”Hot Tub Tom”
didn’t enjoy his position of authority). We can only make assumptions as to why he was also called “The Hammer”, surely though, it was not because
of the famous song about helping humankind - that song was written and performed by flaming liberals.
Anyways, he used a supercomputer to create a version of republican Gerrymandering that Jackson Pollock himself would have to respect.
Then he, oh yeah… got busted for pedophila. Oops! my bad -that was the other republican speaker, well it was fraud or something.
But “what about Pelosi she’s just as bad, right?"
Yes, Grima, she is evil, if you hate these laws she championed…
Energy legislation which raised vehicle fuel efficiency standards and provided incentives for renewable energy (the US is by far the worst). Promoted high‐tech jobs, expanded math and science education, research and innovation. Provided economic aid to 130 million American middle class families during difficult (Bush) times. Largest expansion of college aid in six decades, cutting loan rates in half and increasing Pell Grants. First minimum wage increase in 10 years. Ethics reform. Many other valuable works of bipartisan legislation were vetoed by George Bush - so, I won’t bore you.
Lets move onto the accomplishments of the Boehner House: (Did you blink?)
Politics is an area of discussion that reveals how much an individual is able to empathize with their fellow citizens, and especially the least among them.
So I find it a waste throw away one's opportunity to voice opinion on:
Animal rights, teachers rights, minority rights, women’s rights, children rights, disabled persons rights, workers rights, students rights, immigrants rights, citizens rights, etc.
but not voting is in no way a “vote for the stronger candidate” it is a vote for apathy and defeat.
This time it is about the Supreme Court. The weakest branch of our democracy. In this case, the self-serving republicans would rather destroy the football than allow points to go up on the side of the democrats.
Fun fact: most Americans are democrats by far, but because republican Gerrymandering the House of Reps. is easy to win - and voter suppression is very big here in the U.S. Plus,Two Dakotas get four Senators and California gets two, like that’s fair.
Anyways, where were we ? Oh yeah, the republican darling “Citizens United” for endless campaign donations: Guaranteed for life!
Boo Hoo! she did the thing with the email… (meanwhile archangel Trump with his armor of private life is about to set human rights back 50 years if the Russian Hackers have anything to say about it).
What kind of justice would you wish upon a future America?... Just in case this abstinence approach doesn't work out.
![[Image: horse-in-sun.jpg]](https://amazinganimalphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/horse-in-sun.jpg)
I am saddened by the level of discourse on this topic. I think that in almost all cases in this country the democrat is the more benevolent candidate, and it is an honor/duty
to be an informed voter in The United States of America.
The “chart” above is an unfair comparison, as I pointed out, between the platform of a major party candidate and the alternates (fringe). No one addressed this point.
We talked about our dissatisfaction with our government, and even our wish to not be associated with it. I call this fantasizing,
however, I am not a journalist. I am willing to take time to consider the possibility that I could be wrong. I wouldn’t consider posting
on this subject if I had not seriously researched the issues from both sides. One look, for example, just at information
on Arizona republican’s stances on animal protection would give me the shudders, and I’m not even a “furryhugger”.
Its not just Arizona, and it’s not just animal rights.
Tom Delay former republican speaker of the House, admittedly, got into Texas politics for one reason: to stop anti-pesticide legislation from passing.
He avoided all kinds of mud-slinging because he only used his power for this one issue in the legislature. (but that doesn’t mean that ”Hot Tub Tom”
didn’t enjoy his position of authority). We can only make assumptions as to why he was also called “The Hammer”, surely though, it was not because
of the famous song about helping humankind - that song was written and performed by flaming liberals.
Anyways, he used a supercomputer to create a version of republican Gerrymandering that Jackson Pollock himself would have to respect.
Then he, oh yeah… got busted for pedophila. Oops! my bad -that was the other republican speaker, well it was fraud or something.
But “what about Pelosi she’s just as bad, right?"
Yes, Grima, she is evil, if you hate these laws she championed…
Energy legislation which raised vehicle fuel efficiency standards and provided incentives for renewable energy (the US is by far the worst). Promoted high‐tech jobs, expanded math and science education, research and innovation. Provided economic aid to 130 million American middle class families during difficult (Bush) times. Largest expansion of college aid in six decades, cutting loan rates in half and increasing Pell Grants. First minimum wage increase in 10 years. Ethics reform. Many other valuable works of bipartisan legislation were vetoed by George Bush - so, I won’t bore you.
Lets move onto the accomplishments of the Boehner House: (Did you blink?)
Politics is an area of discussion that reveals how much an individual is able to empathize with their fellow citizens, and especially the least among them.
So I find it a waste throw away one's opportunity to voice opinion on:
Animal rights, teachers rights, minority rights, women’s rights, children rights, disabled persons rights, workers rights, students rights, immigrants rights, citizens rights, etc.
but not voting is in no way a “vote for the stronger candidate” it is a vote for apathy and defeat.
This time it is about the Supreme Court. The weakest branch of our democracy. In this case, the self-serving republicans would rather destroy the football than allow points to go up on the side of the democrats.
Fun fact: most Americans are democrats by far, but because republican Gerrymandering the House of Reps. is easy to win - and voter suppression is very big here in the U.S. Plus,Two Dakotas get four Senators and California gets two, like that’s fair.
Anyways, where were we ? Oh yeah, the republican darling “Citizens United” for endless campaign donations: Guaranteed for life!
Boo Hoo! she did the thing with the email… (meanwhile archangel Trump with his armor of private life is about to set human rights back 50 years if the Russian Hackers have anything to say about it).
What kind of justice would you wish upon a future America?... Just in case this abstinence approach doesn't work out.