11-04-2016, 01:43 PM
I actually think the whole political system and everything about it (among other systems) needs to change. I have the tendency to look very far ahead (from a corrupt and suffering world to an enlightened one). But in doing so, I can lay out an imaginary trajectory and look at the direction I might take to hold my own path in place, and in doing so, a result is to contribute to the general path of this collective existence.
I try to strike a balance between wishing things were different and not obstructing free will. I must admit to a certain amount of detachment from the drama here. What I don't want to do is complain about something while not trying to raise my own vibration of negative response. The (US) government is corrupted. In order to stay on my chosen path, it feels better to me to put my voice into a vote (even though I have no illusions that it actually counts to elect someone—and I explained previously in what way I do think it counts), rather than just rail against an unfair system. The bottom line is not about the drama here, rather is about staying in higher consciousness. So while I am no activist, ignoring the situation entirely is not a good choice for me. For instance, there are some things about the government which are very difficult to ignore and not have negative feelings about: taxes; war.
When I am able, I try to vote for local propositions as well. For instance, I voted to allow gay marriage in Arizona.
If there was no candidate at all outside of the two-party iron-clad system who lined up with my general feelings on the issues I would write in Mickey Mouse if I had to, which I was ready to do this time. At least I will have taken action that carried the vibration of non-acceptance of the way things are now.
So for me, it's really about me and what I "put out there" to the whole. There is, for me, a niggling feeling when I have negative feelings about something and continue to harbor them (taxes; war). I have this issue with cruelty to animals. A couple of years ago I think it was Icaro, and Aion who came up with the visualization for miserable horses—to imagine a tree and a foal with them. This was a great idea for me because I was putting out such sad and sometimes hateful (at humans who treat animals this way) vibes, but after I had this visualization to replace that reaction in me I was able to transform those negative feelings. I do it to this day. Indirectly and infinitesimally I will have affected the horses' plight I do hope, but the main idea was to transmute what I was putting out there.
As an aside regarding miserable horses, I did contact the sheriff's office to see what could be done. It was disappointing to discover that the law provides almost no protection. Owners aren't required to have shade (even in the Arizona desert), give them any exercise (some don't ride them ever, the horses just stand in dirt all day hanging their heads), or even enough space for them to move around—only that they get adequate calories to survive.
I try to strike a balance between wishing things were different and not obstructing free will. I must admit to a certain amount of detachment from the drama here. What I don't want to do is complain about something while not trying to raise my own vibration of negative response. The (US) government is corrupted. In order to stay on my chosen path, it feels better to me to put my voice into a vote (even though I have no illusions that it actually counts to elect someone—and I explained previously in what way I do think it counts), rather than just rail against an unfair system. The bottom line is not about the drama here, rather is about staying in higher consciousness. So while I am no activist, ignoring the situation entirely is not a good choice for me. For instance, there are some things about the government which are very difficult to ignore and not have negative feelings about: taxes; war.
When I am able, I try to vote for local propositions as well. For instance, I voted to allow gay marriage in Arizona.
If there was no candidate at all outside of the two-party iron-clad system who lined up with my general feelings on the issues I would write in Mickey Mouse if I had to, which I was ready to do this time. At least I will have taken action that carried the vibration of non-acceptance of the way things are now.
So for me, it's really about me and what I "put out there" to the whole. There is, for me, a niggling feeling when I have negative feelings about something and continue to harbor them (taxes; war). I have this issue with cruelty to animals. A couple of years ago I think it was Icaro, and Aion who came up with the visualization for miserable horses—to imagine a tree and a foal with them. This was a great idea for me because I was putting out such sad and sometimes hateful (at humans who treat animals this way) vibes, but after I had this visualization to replace that reaction in me I was able to transform those negative feelings. I do it to this day. Indirectly and infinitesimally I will have affected the horses' plight I do hope, but the main idea was to transmute what I was putting out there.
As an aside regarding miserable horses, I did contact the sheriff's office to see what could be done. It was disappointing to discover that the law provides almost no protection. Owners aren't required to have shade (even in the Arizona desert), give them any exercise (some don't ride them ever, the horses just stand in dirt all day hanging their heads), or even enough space for them to move around—only that they get adequate calories to survive.