(11-02-2016, 11:42 AM)jeremy6d Wrote: I'm familiar with this approach, actually, and there's much to recommend as well as dispute there, but this doesn't seem to have another to do with voting. Like I said before, if the theory you articulate is true, are you saying that by not voting you materially change your status as "security"? Also, since voting is secret, we're talking about being registered to vote, not the act of actually casting a vote, right?
I appreciate your response, Scott! I tend to regard contracts entered into by the USG as about as valid as those entered into by the mafia, so while the theory doesn't really appeal to me, I appreciate that you've attempted to make a coherent case for me.
If you don't vote for three years (by my middle-aged recollection), your registration goes inactive and the contract goes away. You can check with your county to determine this for sure (whether it went inactive). This is only one of the contracts that makes you a security instrument, but I'll gladly take getting one of them removed.
Yes they are like making contracts with the mafia, or selling your soul to the devil, so to speak. The creation tends to honor "consent" though, whether such consent was deceptive or not. Further, I would say that being a minion in a fourth density negative society is all about willful denial. Just sayin'...