(11-02-2016, 11:42 AM)jeremy6d Wrote:(11-01-2016, 10:56 PM)ScottK Wrote: But consider, if you vote, you have taken an action which makes you a participant in the process of building and maintaining the government.
Why is the act of voting different than other ways in which I participate in government, say by paying taxes, using the sidewalks, holding a passport, etc.?
All interactions are different. As far as I know, there is no contract associated with using the sidewalks. The government has not mandated "walking licenses" yet, and I do mean YET

I'm not sure about passports - they are used a little differently than the drivers license, and are probably better from a contracting perspective.
Filing a tax return is effectively you entering into a contract where *you* consent to being a "taxpayer" even though such a word is not defined in the code, and you agree under penalty of perjury that everything is true and you will pay them the amount of money you specify on the tax return. Of course, you get nothing back from entering into the contract. The dumbest thing anyone could ever do is file an incorrect tax return, since you opt yourself in to penalties for lying.
The elite consider paying taxes to be optional though:
Of course, just to hold a job or run a business, there is a big spaghetti pile of contracts associated with that, too.
It's basically a system where the negative elite laugh at the people for entering into a BS contract where they pay the taxes in the first place since it was optional and a deception, but then they also have their legion of enforcers provoking red ray response because of all the other garbage you'd have to wade through to clean it up.
This is a wide ranging subject that one cannot do justice to in an internet posting.