(11-02-2016, 03:49 PM)Sabou Wrote: So, essentially to eradicate judgment of another would require a lessening of the contrast between self and other by means of forgiveness, balancing and healing of the self? Sort of breaking down of a strong attachment to the identity of self, which would break down the seeming disparity between self and other?
Judgement as comparison is like a ratio of equality between the many aspects of the self. The judgement is not to be discarded by instead seen as a microcosm/macrocosm relationship between the self and the other that is a reflection of the internal workings of the individual. In otherwords your judgements are actually you comparing different parts of yourself using the other as a mirror or medium.
In that, the other serves to either reinforce or dissolve your judgements by reflection. The judgement then is to be discerned, as in, what is it in itself exactly?
Choice is where it becomes truly relevant because to 'have judgement' is to be capable of making a choice. With no judgement there is no discernment and thus all choices are then impulsive. The question then, is where is one trying to go with their choices? Judgement will change based on the answer to this question because judgement will separate that which is desired from that which is not.
I do not think it is useful to cease judgement but rather to view it as part of the vehicle of the 'ego' or personality. There is 'unfair' judgement as well as 'good' judgement as well as 'foolish' judgement. Many different ways to discern and perceive. Choose your measure of reality and by the measurement it shall be craft.