10-26-2016, 07:58 AM
Not only have I been through a similar experience, I was raised JW lol.
I feel like ex-JW's are stuck. They're taught that they have the truth and all people that don't subscribe to their faith will be destroyed at Armageddon. It breeds a feeling of humoring people, like you care, but really you just want to know if they're members or possible converts otherwise they're in the "bad association" category.
When you're raised like this, you put people in categories, sometimes without noticing.
Then, you want to be in the category you've convinced yourself is the "winning" category. Which is probably the most powerful, even darkest (if that's the competition) place.
Another thing that shapes her viewpoint, is the fact that JW are expressly against any form of mediumship or spirit contact. They believe that all influence from spirit realms, are demons trying to trick you into believing in an afterlife, which they say doesn't exist. They believe that you die and are held in some sort of nothing, where you know nothing, until "judgement day" when you will be either resurrected (seemingly in the blink of an eye to you, the ignorant one) to a paradise on a perfected planet if you've been good, or just die and know nothing ever again.
This is where the majority of her hangups spring from, well that's what messed with my head for a long time, when moving along the path of new age thought in general.
Maybe try something like "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsh. It was something my JW brain could kind of process back in 2000 lol
I feel like ex-JW's are stuck. They're taught that they have the truth and all people that don't subscribe to their faith will be destroyed at Armageddon. It breeds a feeling of humoring people, like you care, but really you just want to know if they're members or possible converts otherwise they're in the "bad association" category.
When you're raised like this, you put people in categories, sometimes without noticing.
Then, you want to be in the category you've convinced yourself is the "winning" category. Which is probably the most powerful, even darkest (if that's the competition) place.
Another thing that shapes her viewpoint, is the fact that JW are expressly against any form of mediumship or spirit contact. They believe that all influence from spirit realms, are demons trying to trick you into believing in an afterlife, which they say doesn't exist. They believe that you die and are held in some sort of nothing, where you know nothing, until "judgement day" when you will be either resurrected (seemingly in the blink of an eye to you, the ignorant one) to a paradise on a perfected planet if you've been good, or just die and know nothing ever again.
This is where the majority of her hangups spring from, well that's what messed with my head for a long time, when moving along the path of new age thought in general.
Maybe try something like "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsh. It was something my JW brain could kind of process back in 2000 lol