10-25-2016, 04:21 PM
(10-22-2016, 02:29 AM)sjel Wrote: I smoked a half-bowl of Salvia 20x, in one large lungful. I held it in for 30 seconds. I was sitting cross-legged outside in a comfortable chair.
I became aware that I was very close to a living, vibrating, organism-door. This door was slightly ajar, and behind it was a bright, mysterious light. I hadn't smoked enough, however, which the entities that were attached to the door made known to me. They were annoyingly chanting, "you didn't smoked enoughh, didn't reach the door!" and suddenly I simply tapped a deep source of laughter, deeep within myself, and I burst out, "SO?!? So fuckin' what, I didn't reach the door! I want to see you guys behind the door first!"
And then, oh man. With my eyes closed, I saw a new color of the environment around me, the fourth density vibration! I saw it, guys, I saw a glimpse of fourth density! Whatever I remember now is obviously the third density version of the real thing, but holy s***, it's there, all of the time!!
And it is hilarious. Seriously. It felt like a constant play, a performance in which each actor knows exactly what to do to make it the funniest, most energizing sensation. It is LOADED with energy. It was so hilarious that I actually could not laugh, I could only participate in it. Like it was a hilarity that transcended physical laughter, like how - HOLY s***, it's exactly like how on stage, the BEST stand-up comedians never laugh, they just exude hilarity. Louis CK! He's a fourth density comedian.
Anyway. I can't really communicate how awesome it was. And this is going on constantly underneath the veil, from what the entities told me. They communicated that they are constantly there, providing little commentary in my head, they contribute to that "inner voice" that guides us to make decisions. They can only tell you what you seek, or what you've already found, or what you're trying to find. These entities were also cleaning the environment around me, I think. Like there was one who was scrubbing the ground, it was already pristine, I think because I had meditated there for 15 minutes beforehand.
They told me that there is a deep weight in my heart. They were a bit disappointed that I didn't go through the door at the beginning, because going through the door would mean confronting and ridding myself of this weight (I think).
As the experience started to wane in intensity, I felt/saw myself moving back through each layer of the veil. There were like 15-20 layers, each with presumably infinite sublayers. I didn't even feel sad, though, because their exit was hilarious (they did this routine where they sloowwly canoed out of my view, while it was clear that they really still were there, but because of the veil I couldn't see them anymore). I felt them move from visible, to simply available in my little inner voice-thoughts.
I realize I've been conversing with them almost constantly for the past few months, a little conversation for all the things I do throughout my day.
They said this, the most important thing to me (I wrote it down as they said it): "as you move about your day, you move, to various degrees, in and out of this 'veil,' so-called. this veil is like weights. its purpose is to strengthen the weaker aspects of your being."
and this: "your meditation has allowed us to move much closer to you [consciously] on a daily basis."
So, umm... that's immensely reassuring. And also frustrating. Because you know what? I would fucking love to exist on that level of reality ALL THE TIME. that is heaven, what I experienced last night.
It was like, you know how every once in a while, you get a "PERFECT MOMENT." Well, this level, which I'm almost certain was the beginning of fourth density, is a CONSTANT PERFECT MOMENT.
oh yeah, I forgot about this strange sort of part: I was staring (eyes closed), gaping at these entities, when it suddenly hit me, I exclaimed, "are you guys - is this fourth density?!" and then I saw their eyes for the only time during the whole trip. Every one of them, and some surrounding peripheral eyes as well, looked at me, with what seemed to be a small fraction of their beings, like I only juuust saw a glimpse of their eyes, and it was identical to that perfectly content, laughing, buddha smile. The smile that says "dude. you have no idea. absolutely no idea. and it's always going to get better."
so now im back behind the veil, and im still carrying this heavy heart weight. dont know how to get rid of it any more than i did yesterday. i dont have any more answers than i did yesterday. but the difference is that now i have a slight reassurance, that for the faith muscle to be exercised, i HAVE to not remember, otherwise there would be no strengthening. Let us observe how long this motivation lasts.
sjel can you think of what the over arching message of this experience has been for you to work on?
This is just my interpretation so I could be way wrong, I think it's trust. I had a similar experience and I wanted to know where my guides were, and I got to the same point as you and they were like, we never left we've been next to you this entire time!.
Just because you see them, doesn't mean they are not there, so really it boils down to cultivating the ability to discern thoughts between your own and when thoughts are being inserted by these helper beings.
It always feels like it's your own thought, but it's not. Thats the best way I could put it, and the way I was able to make the most progress was to trust. It was first to discern the thought, whether it addressed fear or love. Then after gauging the energetic density the feeling was hitting, then I choose to discard or keep the thought.
I had a skin lesion that was not healing, it started off as a mosquito bite that got really swelled up cause i would not stop picking at it. The situation got worse and worse, and lasted for almost an entire year. I was freaking out and wondering what I was supposed to be doing to follow my guidance and heal this. I just would not accept that this could have been pre incarnative, and if so, i would get to the bottom of the catalyst and figure it out or die trying. I'm glad and thankful i didn't die trying phew!
But I woke up one day and the first thought in my head was look for high vibrational healing methods. The day before I had thought what happens when you put an electric charge through an orgonite device? The effects of orgonite and people using it have been well documented, but how would you push the technological envelope of this same idea? That was when I found the zapper by Dr. Hulda Clark, using specific low voltage frequencies to cause little critters harmful to the body to explode, such as parasitic worms.
I was astounded and blown away, is this what they meant by 4-5th density medical applications in the Law of One? My leg it took several months to heal, first it took 1 month for the leision to close up. I would sleep with this zapper on my foot all night at the time. I noticed how my sweat started to smell less and less, i had less bacteria farting on my skin i guess because that's how odor is created. Eventually the lesion closed up, it got as big as half my palm so it was scary for me to have it pus everyday and not seem like it was ever going to heal.
Then there was a redness on the skin that remained, and each month it gets lighter and lighter. This happened because I followed my intuition, and I now know my intution is not from me, it's from our spiritual guides and our higher self. It made me trust that they are with me in all parts of my life, and that whenever I need help and ask for it, they are there to answer as long as I am quiet enough to hear it.
I felt a need to put in personal stuff just to show that i understand where you are coming from and where you are at, in the juncture of your original post.
Most people abuse psychadelics, and they don't do it with the strict purpose of learning something spiritual. Keep up your effort it's awesome!