10-24-2016, 04:48 PM
(10-24-2016, 04:21 PM)Immortalis Vigil Wrote:(10-24-2016, 04:00 PM)earth_spirit Wrote: Frightened? Pulling away?
Interesting that sleeping next to you gives her "weird dreams", implying that sleeping apart from her partner does not.
Based on what you've written, her behavior comes off as subtly manipulative / passive aggressive.
(10-24-2016, 02:43 PM)Immortalis Vigil Wrote: partner remains stubbornly asleep...
...seeking to be of service to her...Ra Wrote:To those who wish to sleep we could only offer those comforts designed for the sleeping. Service is only possible to the extent it is requested.
That said, I am happy for you. Remain centered within yourself.
She seems to be allergic to spiritual matters. In part because she was raised a Jehovah's Witness, which was a very negative experience that created a lot of fear, resentment, and aversion to all things religious and/or spiritual. She also seems to have recurring dreams about having been abused/mistreated by Egyptian priests.
I have no doubt she is manipulating me to some extent. I know for certain she maintains several layers of ego driven illusions about her personal biography, intellect, and abilities. But overall she is a kind, tender-hearted, and thoughtful person. Neither her little manipulations or illusions offend me. I am somewhat saddened that she feels the need to engage in such things, but I figure she will only play those games as long as she needs them.
I am happy and centered in myself. I strive to embody love that transcends condition and circumstance. I strive to remain present in the eternal now, and not engage dramas, manipulations, or other ego driven activity. Perhaps that is its own ego driven game that creates separation and detachment...
Also, I have no illusions that I can awaken her unilaterally. I hope to provide her opportunities, but I recognize I can only provide as much assistance as she is willing to accept. That being said, all beings awaken this life or the next. All beings eventually return home. I am as patient as eternity.
It's interesting she had negative religious experiences in both this life and the Egyptian one. I have seen certain cycles of abuse repeated over and over. It might be quite scary for her to seek spirituality at this point. Your patience is all you can offer in this situation I think. That and possitive exposure to noncontroling version of God/creator. That may be your purpose in her life.
Sounds like the runes were leading you quite accurately.