Well, I think if you want to consider a wide possibility of 'other selves' then it is worth considering as a reality. I personally believe there are many intelligences and entities which are neither human, plant nor animal and that there exist entities beyond our visual spectrum. I believe they are active and interact with our visible plane on a regular basis but can only do so through influence, not directly unless they make use of or generate a body in this frequency range.
The very idea of the Ra contact with their 5D negative 'friend' is suggestive of this situation and nearly every mystical tradition in the world has some element of 'beyond the visual' or more commonly know as the invisible, esoteric or the occult.
The very idea of the Ra contact with their 5D negative 'friend' is suggestive of this situation and nearly every mystical tradition in the world has some element of 'beyond the visual' or more commonly know as the invisible, esoteric or the occult.