(10-04-2016, 04:52 PM)Diana Wrote:(10-04-2016, 02:32 PM)Ashim Wrote: So, basically you are saying "unplug from everything I don't like", or words to that effect.
You can't say "unplug" and then turn around and list stuff like "the one good thing" as an exception.
What are you trying to say Diana? Should we return to the woods and live as children or is there a way of navigating the digital jungle?
No, I'm not saying that. This misalignment in understanding derived from me saying to unplug from the media in order to foster free thinking and confidence. That does not mean ignore it completely. I feel you are making this black and white, or perhaps I am not a good communicator.
Shouting a statement in capitals seems quite "black and white" to me. I think that people first have to become aware of the manipulations of media before they start to search out alternative sources. This awareness is probably something that arises from their own intuition or even suspscion that a heavy reporting bias exists. Sure, some folks will be made aware by others pointing things out but it is wise to guard against generating paranoia in the process as this can lead to fear, which then, in turn, provides the conditions for negatives to feed on this energy. I had to learn this lesson too - resisting the temptation to blurt something out and taking a softer approach, more in the "wise old man" style.
I think you communicate well Diana.
p.s I'm really thankful for the MSM, Sky Sports in particular, for the excellent coverage of the Ryder Cup last week, beamed to my home in Scotland via satellite from the US.
No way was I going to unplug from that!