10-04-2016, 01:33 PM
(09-30-2016, 12:01 PM)Diana Wrote:(09-29-2016, 12:24 AM)Night Owl Wrote: Differencing a thought from behind the veil to a normal thought takes practice. You have to be aware of the thoughts that are yours and those who are not. Some have access to entire past lives. Others just some information on the present incarnation or some random informations about anything really.
I agree with this, We, as a human society, get caught up in the "magic bullet" idea. We think (and some New-Agers muddy the waters very greatly on this), that we will know something in the "normal" way such as, a spaceship lands in the backyard and an ET tells us we are one of them. Knowledge comes from many different places and directions. I think we must first learn to think for ourselves, and perceive intelligence from more directions than 3D human society.
A few suggestions in getting more clear:
2. Trust your own "gut" reactions. You don't have to act on them, just observe what they are and don't dismiss them because they are out of the box. It's like exercising a muscle.
3. Work on self-confidence and autonomy so that you may know you matter; what you think and feel matters. Honor your self and your feelings. Stay open-minded and simultaneously don't cave to societal pressures of judgments and "standards."
If you (meant to address no one in particular) are here as a volunteer or wanderer, then you may want to expand your ideas of what reality is. To "know" something in 3D human terms may be quite different from knowing something that derives from a different dimension of existence, and necessarily less "real" than so-called knowledge here in 3D. The pressure of human mass-consciousness, coupled with the brain-washing and dumbing-down effects of the media, would create in itself a huge veil over other more subtle realities (which may be its purpose).
here is a veil... milk does a body good.
here is an unveiling, cows injected with bovine growth hormone have enlarged udders that drag across the floor, get infections from the scraping and then to combat the infections they put in antibiotics. So then milk that gets extracted usually has some several million somatic cells or pus cells inside a single glass of milk. That's from every state, on top of that it's pasteurized so that the enzymes to break milk down have been killed so it's even worse for anyone lactose intolerant.