10-03-2016, 07:10 PM
(10-02-2016, 09:44 PM)sjel Wrote: Or do I even want to do this. Over the past year I have been increasingly "spaced out," with some days it being a blissful dream trip and others it being a bad dream, with my mind's thoughts projected into reality. Most days it's somewhere in between. I foresee that I will eventually become completely spaced out at the rate I'm going. I can compare this to being constantly on a dose of LSD - say 80-90 ugs, not quite full trip.
The problem is that I don't see a metaphysical reason for this being what I'm going through right now. I work at a tutoring center, and I have a very good relationship with the kids there. But some days I'm so spaced that everyone seems alien and there is a quality of being simultaneously distant and hyperfocused. Like the quality of the cartoon is super HD, the sounds particularly beautiful and acute, the emotions especially poignant, but I also see that it is a cartoon, and I am impeded from fully participating.
Last night I went to a modern classical music concert and I was BLOWN AWAY by the music, it felt like fourth density clearly showing its head, it was pure magic, real magic, tangible effectual magic. It pulled me into a state equivalent to that of a 150 ug LSD trip. I sincerely felt as if I was in a psychedelic trip, and I couldn't stop thinking about that music. (one of the pieces performed was this: Steve Reich - Eight Lines if you are curious) I felt FRUSTRATED, as in, "why is this magic not happening all of the time everywhere forever?" My parents were somewhat concerned, as I was wandering around and I realize now that I appeared confused, distant, spaced out... which I was. Everyone seemed like an alien caricature.
I think I am heading toward the state of intermittent psychosis that I've read so much about. I don't think that it would be helpful to others if I became psychotic, however. I'm barely staying grounded as it is. I exercise an hour five days a week, I get 15-30 minutes of sun a day, I meditate 30 minutes in the morning, I haven't touched alcohol in 9 months, I eat very healthy, with lots of tuna and salmon throughout the week, plus fish oil on the days I don't (some evidence suggests this can prevent schizophrenia), I play piano an hour or more a day, I make music in addition to that, I work with kids (this helps a lot, interacting with them helps me pull myself into rational reality, I have open heart energy exchanges with them a lot of the time). WHAT ELSE??? I'M GOING TO BE IN PSYCHOSIS PRETTY SOON! WHAT DO I DO?
"The schizophrenic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims." How do I swim? I know that it is in my preincarnative plan that I will become increasingly unattached to the human consensus reality, so I can't fight that, nor do I want to honestly, but HOW do I maintain my connection with the world if my spirit/mind keeps going like this!
I wish I could live out in the forest in Washington, with a piano and a laptop, and I could safely go insane, recording my experiences as I do so. It seems like I'm moving quickly out of sanity, too quickly to be able to carry out this phase in my evolutionary career.
come over to my house let's have a beer and i will teach you how to relax. i hope that doesn't make me sound like a creepster. lol i'm usually in my backyard a lot with nature. Have you ever tried a spirit walk? Go out in nature and take no electronics.