(10-02-2016, 09:44 PM)sjel Wrote: Or do I even want to do this. Over the past year I have been increasingly "spaced out," with some days it being a blissful dream trip and others it being a bad dream, with my mind's thoughts projected into reality. Most days it's somewhere in between. I foresee that I will eventually become completely spaced out at the rate I'm going. I can compare this to being constantly on a dose of LSD - say 80-90 ugs, not quite full trip.Perhaps you need to see your purpose requires you to straddle the line vs jump over the edge(reality wise).
The problem is that I don't see a metaphysical reason for this being what I'm going through right now. I work at a tutoring center, and I have a very good relationship with the kids there. But some days I'm so spaced that everyone seems alien and there is a quality of being simultaneously distant and hyperfocused. Like the quality of the cartoon is super HD, the sounds particularly beautiful and acute, the emotions especially poignant, but I also see that it is a cartoon, and I am impeded from fully participating. .....
"The schizophrenic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims." How do I swim? I know that it is in my preincarnative plan that I will become increasingly unattached to the human consensus reality, so I can't fight that, nor do I want to honestly, but HOW do I maintain my connection with the world if my spirit/mind keeps going like this!
I wish I could live out in the forest in Washington, with a piano and a laptop, and I could safely go insane, recording my experiences as I do so. It seems like I'm moving quickly out of sanity, too quickly to be able to carry out this phase in my evolutionary career.
You cannot effectively fight consensus reality if you are not a part of society.
I find your preincarnation plans very interesting. I'd love to hear how you got such a firm grasp of them. All the same it seems I am incapable of following and agreeing to consensus reality and every cell in my body both loves the people of society and is driven to show them by example a different perspective.
I have not looked into my preincarnative plans were but I am working away at your goals.
By staying here in this reality I can see what is false. Where the love is hidden by fear in society's playbook and every day I shape the world by interacting with people having them respect me as "one of them" yet strongly showing them my truth and an alternate view point society doesn't give them. If you are to far outside society they shrug you off and the effect is less relevant.
I think for a long time I kept getting a bit to far from consensus reality to do anyone any good. So I know sort of what you speak of, maybe.
Anyways this might be totally unhelpful but I just thought your will to effect change might be the ultimate grounding force.
You working with kids is the ideal set up to contrast the worlds paridm with the functional open hearted alternative.
I tend to be most effective with my teen and 20 something clients.