10-01-2016, 11:28 AM
Quote:There comes a moment in the life of an adept, when the hardships he has passed through are a thousandfold rewarded. In order to acquire further knowledge, he has no more to go through a minute and slow process of investigation and comparison of various objects, but is accorded an instantaneous, implicit insight into every first truth. The adept sees and feels and lives in the very source of all fundamental truths --- the Universal Spiritual Essence of Nature.-KH, ML 241
Quote:"When our great Buddha --- the patron of all the adepts, the reformer and the codifier of the occult system, reached first Nirvana on earth, he became a Planetary Spirit; i.e. --- his spirit could at one and the same time rove the interstellar spaces in full consciousness, and continue at will on Earth in his original and individual body. For the divine Self had so completely disfranchised itself from matter that it could create at will an inner substitute for itself, and leaving it in the human form for days, weeks, sometimes years, affect in no wise by the change either the vital principle or the physical mind of its body. That is the highest form of adeptship man can hope for on our planet. But it is as rare as the Buddhas themselves. Many are those who "break through the egg-shell," few who, once out are able to exercise their Nirira namastaka fully, when completely out of the body. Conscious life in Spirit is as difficult for some natures as swimming is for some bodies. The planetary Spirit of that kind (the Buddha like) can pass at will into other bodies --- of more or less etherialised matter, inhabiting other regions of the Universe."-KH, ML 43-44