09-29-2016, 12:24 AM
I'll give you a key here. The thing is you could be penetrating your veil and not even realize it until you really understand what it means to do so. It's so subtle. Differencing a thought from behind the veil to a normal thought takes practice. You have to be aware of the thoughts that are yours and those who are not. Some have access to entire past lives. Others just some information on the present incarnation or some random informations about anything really. I suspect each higherself to deal with that in it's own way. Some might be more open than others.
What I know is you have to be completely open to it happening before it happens. I have penetrated my veil lightly on a couple of occasions and it was like on random mode. It seems like my higherself don't give me free access to anything I want to know but instead let's me know things that may be helpful to me right now, informations that my current lifetime could not contain itself. I think I realized how the process work only when it happened a couple of times and yet I know I don't actually understand, just notice the pattern when it happens. It also made me realize there are things I know I willingly decide to forget on a daily basis into my subconscious because it makes the 3D experience easier to not be tied those informations. If you were to know all that exist out of here you would probably not stay here but you came for a reason and you have a plan, a plan that is based on forgetting, so for the most part you are the one who doesn't want to remember everything and your higherself protects that choice. So I'd suggest you have a better chance of success with information that is not too polarizing for practice time.
In fact just to perceive or have a proper conceptualisation of the veil is quite hard. You have to doubt the very foundations of your reality. This thing is ever present. It hides between you and yourself and between you and others. It's in your subconscious. It's always behind you, behind your thoughts. Making you forget, making you look elsewhere. You have to dive deep.
Maybe meditate on the concept of forgetting. See what you can perceive about all those moments you forget something. Forgetting something is actually a quite complex idea. It is not a natural thing to lose information. Feel that force field that constantly fight against the concept of memory. And why is it so selective? Why do you forget that particular idea and not another? There is lots of things to uncover about this process. I can only offer the little I have perceived so far but it is still quite abstract.
What I know is you have to be completely open to it happening before it happens. I have penetrated my veil lightly on a couple of occasions and it was like on random mode. It seems like my higherself don't give me free access to anything I want to know but instead let's me know things that may be helpful to me right now, informations that my current lifetime could not contain itself. I think I realized how the process work only when it happened a couple of times and yet I know I don't actually understand, just notice the pattern when it happens. It also made me realize there are things I know I willingly decide to forget on a daily basis into my subconscious because it makes the 3D experience easier to not be tied those informations. If you were to know all that exist out of here you would probably not stay here but you came for a reason and you have a plan, a plan that is based on forgetting, so for the most part you are the one who doesn't want to remember everything and your higherself protects that choice. So I'd suggest you have a better chance of success with information that is not too polarizing for practice time.
In fact just to perceive or have a proper conceptualisation of the veil is quite hard. You have to doubt the very foundations of your reality. This thing is ever present. It hides between you and yourself and between you and others. It's in your subconscious. It's always behind you, behind your thoughts. Making you forget, making you look elsewhere. You have to dive deep.
Maybe meditate on the concept of forgetting. See what you can perceive about all those moments you forget something. Forgetting something is actually a quite complex idea. It is not a natural thing to lose information. Feel that force field that constantly fight against the concept of memory. And why is it so selective? Why do you forget that particular idea and not another? There is lots of things to uncover about this process. I can only offer the little I have perceived so far but it is still quite abstract.