10-18-2010, 12:08 PM
The posts provided thus far, in this particular forum, produced by: Pablisimo, unity100, CircleofOne, Questioner, Peregrinus & Namaste - have been of great service. The exchange of words used by each mind/body/spirit complex, have provided a general overview for a newly reorientating 'Wanderer' as myself, whom has been utilizing the green ray for educational purposes and preparation of eventual transition over to fourth density resonance. This of course, in no way negates the importance of review and applications of all 'Ra' Material, however, by reviewing these few posts, in this particular forum, the exchange of words here, have become a reminder and template of realization, regarding the importance of properly utilizing green ray resonance, and for the restoration and rediscovery of instructions, as to the primary objectives for a 'Wanderer', to bring forth a more positive attitude and motivation towards STO orientations, and to help ensure optimal integrations, whenever it may be necessary to interact with other mind/body/spirit complexes in some manner. Keeping all 'Ra' Material to heart, as each 'Wanderer' negotiates the patterning of their current incarnation, here in the 3rd-d, is good integration. This is the type and mode of information, of which I have sought online, for the past 19 linear 3rd-d years, since my last contact, via channelings of Metatron, Enoch, & Melchizedek. We must continue to use these communiques, as a sort of online 'Wanderer Outreach' program. Ultimately, this forum can act as a sort of 'catalyst', whereby, the intent of sharing 'Ra' material in this fashion, will demonstrate to 'seekers of Truth', or 'unawakened earthers' alike, neutral methods, as to how 'Wanderers' may effectively communicate with one another, notwithstanding prejudice or judgement - thereby, allowing the effectiveness and flow of polarizations to ensue.
Fellow 'Wanderers'! - Thank you so very much for sharing!
*Love, Light, Laughter, & Oneness*
Fellow 'Wanderers'! - Thank you so very much for sharing!
*Love, Light, Laughter, & Oneness*