(09-21-2016, 06:58 PM)Infinite Wrote: Hi. I have some doubts about the relationship of the planes of existence of the esoteric philosophies (Theosophy, Gnosis, etc.) and the densities. This is my vision:
Physical Plane - 3D
Eteric Plane - 4D
Astral and Mental Planes - 5D
Causal Plane - 6D
Buddhic Plane - 7D
Atmic Plane = 8D or Dimensional re-fusion?
I feel that this is not correct. Anyone have any ideia? Thanks. Peace, love and light
Red Ray = Physical Plane/Prime Material/This is also the Etheric Plane (as is commonly referenced in occult literature -- not the version Ra was talking about). This is the most congealed manifestation of form, or tangibility.
Orange Ray = Lower Astral Plane (Selfish Vibrations/Vibrations Concerning Self/Lust/Personal Power/Lower Emotional Realm)
Yellow Ray = Middle Astral Plane (Awareness of difference between Self and Other/Societal Vibrations/Personhood in relationship to groups of entities/this is where you begin to see astral cities or conglomerations of souls living together/Lower mental plane.)
Green Ray = Higher Astral Plane (Awareness of others vibrations/empathy/understanding of what another is experiencing/unconditional love/astral heaven type worlds/awareness of harmony/higher emotional plane).
Blue Ray = Devachanic Plane/Mental Plane/vibrations of free communication and pure conceptual ideals/repository of the "pure vibrations" of a thing at a conceptual level/conceptual archetypes after which every further instance of a particular idea is a patternization of, i.e., Plato's ideas of "ideal forms")
Indigo Ray = Causal Plane (Awareness of self as an expression of Intelligent Energy/awareness of self as creator/what Ra called the "etheric body" or the place where light is given form. Think of it as an "eye" or "shutter" that focuses light, giving it form, which is why it is the primal Form Maker.
Violet Ray = Buddhic Plane or alternatively the "Atmic Plane" or the level of 'Christ Consciousness'. Realm of wholeness, and awareness of connection with everything. This is where the m/b/s totality resides. An awareness of the totality of experiential balance. This is the most intangible and "not constrained by form" level.
It is far more useful to think of occult planes and bodies in terms of their Rays, or vibrational architecture, than it is to think of them in terms of their occult names, which are matched and mismatched over and over by different occult teachers. However, I have correlated them as best I presently can to their occult terminology.
Each density exists within all the rays, yet each has a "native" vibration, or plane, that it is naturally attracted to (the plane, or subdensity, where the consciousness of that density naturally gravitates to). The "native plane" of 1st density is the subdensity that most closely correlates with it, which is Red Ray. So the native plane of 1st density is the Physical Plane. However, every 1st density object, like say, a rock, exists in all the other rays as well. It has all the ascendingly balanced bodies, or vibrational levels, to its consciousness just as everything does. So even a rock as a lower astral component, a middle astral component, a higher astral component, devachanic, causal, and buddhic component. It contains all the intelligence levels and vehicles from dense to fine. So similarly, the "native plane" of 2nd density is the orange ray Lower Astral. So when a 2d beings physical form deteriorates, and the aggregates of consciousness lose integration, the vibrational level that its consciousness gravitates towards naturally, or "settles to" is the lower astral plane, which is very "animalistic" consciousness. That is where it feels most comfortable.
Everything has all the levels. However, the ability for a given perspective of consciousness to utilize the planes increases with density level. This is why your 3rd density chemical body is more complexly patternized than a 1st density chemical body, for example. You also have a more complex astral manifestation/devachanic/etc. manifestation and so on up the planes. The more complex the consciousness, the more complex the patternization or manifestation in each plane of existence. So while you can visit all the planes, no matter what density level you are because it is part and parcel of your 'consciousness continuum', your ability to 'take in' that continuum increases with each density. For example, as a human being, you could learn to inhabit the Buddhic Body or Violet Ray plane. However, your ability to take in that light, would not compare to a 7th density beings ability to 'take in' the light of that level. A higher density being has more complex vehicles in all of the planes, be they physical or any other plane.
Your density level is a measure of vibrational distance from the One or Prime Unity. That distance is measured in terms of distortion, falsity, or illusion. Your level of distortion, or density, is how much of the creators light, or intelligent infinity, you are filtering, or warping, to your perspective.
"The source of all distortions is the limit of the viewpoint."
The 8th level is infinity itself. It is the absolute, and it has no vibrational level. It has no distortion. It is Beingness itself. "all begins and ends in mystery". It is the sound of silence. Whereas the rays have relative vibrational pitches or frequencies, the 8th has no frequency and yet, it embodies or contains all frequencies. But everything cancels out in the absolute, except that which cannot be canceled out: Pure Awareness, or Pure Light, or however you want to conceptualize the essential fabric of existence itself. Pure Intelligent Unity.