Well, in my humble opinion H_H said the truth. I've very reasons to believe.
First, the person that showed me the dialogue is someone that we can call "illuminated". He remember of all your incarnations. I asked to him if this planet was a prision and he answered me with the link of H_H.
Second, in all my searchs about Lucifer I found the same context: He is the Light of the Morning Star, in opposition the Prime Light of the unity. Like H_H said, the fall of the man was when the duality and freewill were implemented. Drunvalo Melchizedek* explains how Lucifer tried create a separated reality of the Infinite Creator. The "experential system" duality (to which we are submitted now) is work of Lucifer.
Finally, is possible to feel sincerity in the words of H_H.
One thing that H_H not said: the existence of beings like the greys and reptilians is consequence of the Lucifer's Rebellion. The Orion situation is consequence of this.
*In your books "The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life Vol. I and II" he talks about the Law of One and he have informations similar to Ra. Including, Drunvalo speaks that Ra was one of the builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza!
First, the person that showed me the dialogue is someone that we can call "illuminated". He remember of all your incarnations. I asked to him if this planet was a prision and he answered me with the link of H_H.
Second, in all my searchs about Lucifer I found the same context: He is the Light of the Morning Star, in opposition the Prime Light of the unity. Like H_H said, the fall of the man was when the duality and freewill were implemented. Drunvalo Melchizedek* explains how Lucifer tried create a separated reality of the Infinite Creator. The "experential system" duality (to which we are submitted now) is work of Lucifer.
Finally, is possible to feel sincerity in the words of H_H.
One thing that H_H not said: the existence of beings like the greys and reptilians is consequence of the Lucifer's Rebellion. The Orion situation is consequence of this.
*In your books "The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life Vol. I and II" he talks about the Law of One and he have informations similar to Ra. Including, Drunvalo speaks that Ra was one of the builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza!