10-16-2010, 09:18 PM
(10-14-2010, 01:27 PM)thefool Wrote: Hi Aaron and Zanny !!! Thanks for your thoughtful responses. Maybe I am not able to ask the right questions. And this process is helping me come up with the questions to ask. I am really trying to find out how we do measure the spiritual progress? Is it by practice or is it by how much have you changed in your daily life? Could there be a way of finding our your spiritual progress by looking at some parameters in our behavior. And can it help us answer some questions like find out our spiritual blind spots?
Anyone- Please jump in with any insight or story or comment you may have about this.
How does one measure the spiritual progress...? Hmm... That's a toughie. I don't think there's a yardstick by which we can measure our spiritual growth objectively. It's all subjective. You're the subject of it. Add to that the fact that others will never (in 3rd density) have the same picture of yourself as you do. You may feel that you're spiritually blossoming or that you've changed so much, and then do or say something that pisses somebody off. Especially if it was in passing, then to them, you're not spiritually enlightened at all!
I think that as has been mentioned here, the person's adherence to the golden rule in everyday life is a good a picture as any.