09-10-2016, 04:54 AM
(09-09-2016, 08:45 PM)sjel Wrote: I just now called for a contact to channel from, and began writing down the answers to my questions. after about two pages, I suddenly realized that
A) my challenge to the channeling source was half-hearted, and I did not receive a very affirmative "Yes" in response.
B) Every answer that I was receiving was dragging down my heart, slowly making me feel more depressed and glum.
WAD or Working as Designed, you try to talk to yourself in yourself and get depressed, thats why you need a 3rd person or a 2nd MBSC
Quote:I had a jolt of fear/awakeness/excitement/alertness. I closed my eyes, and clearly saw an entity, distinguishable from my regular negative thought-forms, doing something with intent, but sort of struggling at it. It was pulling and wrapping and trying to connect things with it's long noodly metaphysical arms. At first I was afraid, because this has never happened before. But then I realized it was really having a hard time, it was rather frantic, and it got more frantic once I realized what it was trying to do (attach to me more permanently, and then probably suck my energy until I rid myself of it).
I observed it for 20 seconds or so out of sheer curiosity, my mouth was gaping open. Then I realized the longer I waited, the more power it was gaining over my being, and the more fear I was experiencing. So I IMMEDIATELY furrowed my brow, and said, FIRMLY AND CLEARLY, "You Need To Leave. LEAVE." and projected as much love as I could through the center of my brain, towards it (I tried to love it as I sent it away, and I truly did love it, because it was teaching me how to use discernment in the future, and how to handle negative entities like itself). Since it was already struggling without resistance, it was gone instantly. After the "smoke cleared," so to speak, I felt a little bit drained, but also relieved and at peace. I've never felt so grateful for being alone, haha...
Okay, so that's what happened. I'm not going to try channeling again anytime soon, I'm definitely too inexperienced to do it alone. I'm kind of flustered right now, I've never encountered a negative entity, ever, not even on my mega-deep LSD or DMT trips. And now I just met one, sober.
Has anyone here had to fight off a negative entity? If so please share. I'm really thankful for the experience, now I have some sort of idea as to my strength as a metaphysical entity. I kind of feel delusional though, as in, did that really just happen? Or am I crazy?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AEGnkHc6nI Seems you ran into not the friendliest black holes so here's a friendlier one. Keep in mind, assuming you have enough "engines" to run away from a black hole being 27km from its center is much more safe than being 27km from the center of a sun. Keeping that in mind. All it does is make you feel a bit uneasy.
What you summoned was an embryonic form of a gravity well, or a spirit thats too massive for you to ever see (exists outside the big bang) but who's center of gravity was starting to be visible as it started to form the Calabi Yau manifold. Or what you would call, the moment a human brain starts to form.
One edge of the creature was on the other side of the big bang and one on the opposite side so when it starts to congeal it appears from "everywhere in a spooky way" while you see the shadow of it form in front of you. If you keep it up for a long enough time one of your friends(or you) will have a child that is the child that is the most heavy form of the spirit that can hold itself.
They are quite safe(in as much as a flu can ever be safe), and are mostly seen by people with a Strong bias to the opposite gender in themselves with a combination of lack of awareness of opposites true functions.
Channeling alone is currently as dangerous as walking around a day nude in your home town. Its not that dangerous but you may see some odd effects afterwards.