09-06-2016, 06:48 PM
I'm also going to point out that LSD is a very dangerous drug used for mind control.
And don't get me wrong; I fucking love the stuff. But it's really not good for you.
It alters the way your brain responds to drugs like serotonin, melatonin, and DMT, and can mess with your physical connections to time/space and your brain's "reality-checking" abilities.
I mean, with any of those drugs, a lot of it depends on the magickal intent/time-space connections that are added to the drug when it's being synthesized/grown/harvested/etc., of course. But the chemical properties of LSD in particular can alter the way your brain works. That's why, for example, certain branches of Scientology won't accept anyone who's ever used LSD, and why LSD was (and is) used for mind control during the MK ULTRA experiments.
And don't get me wrong; I fucking love the stuff. But it's really not good for you.
It alters the way your brain responds to drugs like serotonin, melatonin, and DMT, and can mess with your physical connections to time/space and your brain's "reality-checking" abilities.
I mean, with any of those drugs, a lot of it depends on the magickal intent/time-space connections that are added to the drug when it's being synthesized/grown/harvested/etc., of course. But the chemical properties of LSD in particular can alter the way your brain works. That's why, for example, certain branches of Scientology won't accept anyone who's ever used LSD, and why LSD was (and is) used for mind control during the MK ULTRA experiments.