(09-06-2016, 05:44 PM)BlatzAdict Wrote: excellent, we are of the same understanding.
About a year ago or less, I dwelled on the concept of psychic filter because of a doctor who episode while doing a psychedelic trip with a friend. In the episode the girl had an alien prisoner hiding in a room of her house, for years she was blind to the room that was there and even when the doctor would speak of it, she would just dismiss what he said to not look in the direction of the room. It's like her eyes dodge the place until truly forced to look at what always is there.
Anyway what I think is truly useful about the psychic filter notion, is that you're blind to it being placed on you until you start focusing on it and trying to be aware of it. When aware of it, it's much like an annoying thing in your face that limits you which cannot be unseen.
Edit : while annoying, it's what makes your personality hold together. To be honest it's somewhat a relief it can fall back in place after having been greatly lifted.