(10-14-2010, 10:53 AM)Questioner Wrote: Some of the most viciously manipulated & manipulative STS people I've ever known are heavy pot users. These people are heavily indoctrinated and try to indoctrinate others pretty much nonstop. Based on my experiences with these people, I respectfully disagree with the premise that pot is always mind expanding in a positive way.
I didn't use the word 'always.'
Although, neither did I use the word 'perhaps.' For clarification, I will rephrase:
Perhaps what my brother is noticing is that those people have been awakened and are no longer susceptible to indoctrination. Or perhaps it's just his bias.
(10-14-2010, 10:53 AM)Questioner Wrote: I don't think this is really relevant to Scientology, is it?
It was a passing comment, in response to a comment about Scientology and LSD. Pot, LSD, mushrooms, etc. are considered mind-expanding drugs for a reason. My suggestion was that maybe some people who have indulged in those drugs might be less susceptible to indoctrination, and maybe that's why they state that their techniques don't work on those who've dropped acid. I can only speculate whether they've noticed any differences in responses in those who've smoked pot.
It is only a passing comment about a passing observation and speculation.
I respect your opinion, based on your experience, but respectfully, I don't think either of us can claim an absolute based on the observation of a few people. STS people can be found anywhere, in any religion, lifestyle, or subculture. It isn't necessarily because of a single aspect of that person's lifestyle. I don't think there is an absolute regarding pot, religion, or anything else.