08-25-2016, 05:01 PM
(08-24-2016, 11:11 PM)Mahakali Wrote: I feel like when people say s*** like, "Well, you're only doing this as you are right now because your higher self wanted you to be limited," it's a cop-out more than anything.
The fact of that matter is, humanity is just now in the stage of evolution where we're developing self-awareness; that's all it is. First and second-density animals aren't aware of the possibility of intelligent infinity at all. Third density is just becoming aware. After that, it's a mad rush towards the creator.
You're limited right now because you didn't know any better before this. A complex set of evolutionary factors has kept you from intelligent infinity, but, now that you are aware of this possibility, you can strive for it. The only necessity for the capability to reach intelligent infinity is awareness of the possibility.
At this point, our planet is under siege, so there are those who are trying to introduce resistance to our ability to contact this, but it exists somewhere in the universe; all is perception, and so if you really want it more than anything, it will come.
I think you never have been at any single point of this Octave without your higher self being also there. It's a you that was self aware at each moment you were not. Even now that you are self aware, it remains a you that is still much more aware of both yourself and every other thing. Your own free will is what limits you, don't underestimate it as it is the very first distortion of your experience. What you need to get is that your conscious mind exists not without an unconscious aspect to itself, and that too contains a portion of your free will as it an integral portion of yourself.
You are limited here because it was your desire to experience a movement across this place. There's no journey of finding something to be your own, there's just the journey away and back to yourself where you are all there is to find. Even reaching intelligent infinity (which is totally possible and doable) is really just connecting to a facet of yourself that was always right at the innermost core of yourself.
If you have trouble reaching intelligent infinity, it is not because something pevents you but because your seeking is not in alignment with what you seek.