(08-22-2016, 02:56 PM)Aion Wrote: Well, this is what Ra says. Infinity first and then infinity became aware, which was the 'next step' after infinity.
I'm very familiar with how Ra states it. If you read my post, I stated that I felt that when they said that they actually meant 'self aware'. It is just my feeling, my intuition, based on my personal experiences. I can't prove it of course, but that is what I believe.
(08-22-2016, 02:56 PM)Aion Wrote: Even if you suggest that awareness emerges as an element already existent in infinity you still have to allow Infinity to exist first for it to be inherent in.
This doesn't make logical sense to me. Infinity is infinity. It doesn't become more infinite, or less infinite. I don't think that awareness emerges from infinity, I think that it *IS* infinity. They are the same thing, precisely.
If all there is is *intelligent* infinity, and Ra themselves say those two concepts are indivisible, wouldn't it stand to reason, logically, that infinity was always conscious?
Can you honestly define intelligent apart from consciousness? I cannot, in all good conscience, do that. Without consciousness there is no intent, and without intent, there is no intelligence. Awareness is a logically necessary and essential component for something to be regarded as "intelligent".
(08-22-2016, 02:59 PM)Aion Wrote: Also, Descartes said 'I think, therefore I am'... Not 'aware'. I know you augmented, but to clarify the original statement.
I'm fairly certain there is not a soul on this forum that is not aware of the famous Descartes quote (I would be shocked if there was). And I did plainly state that I augmented it. And also, as an aside, I would *bet* that that is precisely what Descartes actually meant when he said, "I think, therefore I am." He was saying that he is aware of his thoughts, and this validates the reality of his existence. A thought is merely the shape of your attention at any given time. Of course, I can't prove that's what he meant, but if you read the whole philosophical dialogue, that is the overwhelming feeling of the argument he is making.
(08-22-2016, 02:59 PM)Aion Wrote: Funny to consider as 'I Am Thought'.
I (first distortion), Am (second distortion), That (3rd distortion).