08-20-2016, 01:13 PM
I can only respond to the comment about Carla's prediction. Just the other day, I saw an online copy of her book LIVING THE Law of One. There was a page upfront for the post-2012 period referring exactly to what you mention here. I copied and pasted it below.
A Note About 2012
In a number of places in this book, Carla Rueckert mentions
the time of December of 2012 as being the time by which
seekers of truth would need to have made their choice of
polarity, either in service to others or in service to self, in
order to be harvestable.
When Carla began doing the research for this book in 2005
this was seen by her as a strong possibility. It was felt that the
energies of the fourth density would be too strong for thirddensity
entities to be able to use for this purpose.
However, as the grand date has come and gone, it is
abundantly clear that catalyst continues unabated in all of our
lives, and opportunities for learning still greet each of us as
the Earth spins a new day. Though we cannot know how and
when, precisely, harvest will transpire—Carla’s perspective
was just one theory among others—we are of the opinion that
so long as we are still breathing third-density oxygen, we have
the ability to learn, grow, and polarize. This includes making
the choice itself.
After four years of declining health, Carla passed into larger
life on April 1st of this year. If she had had the opportunity,
she, in the spirit of a good scientist, would have realized that
her theory had been overturned by the hard data of actual
experience, and she would have subsequently, with great
humility, made this exact change to her book.
So we would like to suggest that when you read her
occasional statements in this book regarding seekers having
only until 2012 to make this choice of polarity, that you
simply ignore this statement. Carla’s emphasis on a date in
time in no way affects the rest of the message contained in this
book which, as you will soon discover, is largely concerned
with timeless spiritual principles.
Fortunately the heart of Carla’s message, and the remaining
99% of the text, is right on target. She writes effectively and
eloquently about the work of clearing and balancing the
energy centers that is the prerequisite for being available for
harvest. She had a gift for speaking from her heart, and for
helping other people to get their own heart chakras open and
clear. We are certain that you will enjoy your journey into
your heart, aided by Carla’s own.
In Love & Light,
Jim McCarty
Carla Rueckert’s husband and scribe for the Ra contact.
Louisville, Kentucky
July 12, 2015
A Note About 2012
In a number of places in this book, Carla Rueckert mentions
the time of December of 2012 as being the time by which
seekers of truth would need to have made their choice of
polarity, either in service to others or in service to self, in
order to be harvestable.
When Carla began doing the research for this book in 2005
this was seen by her as a strong possibility. It was felt that the
energies of the fourth density would be too strong for thirddensity
entities to be able to use for this purpose.
However, as the grand date has come and gone, it is
abundantly clear that catalyst continues unabated in all of our
lives, and opportunities for learning still greet each of us as
the Earth spins a new day. Though we cannot know how and
when, precisely, harvest will transpire—Carla’s perspective
was just one theory among others—we are of the opinion that
so long as we are still breathing third-density oxygen, we have
the ability to learn, grow, and polarize. This includes making
the choice itself.
After four years of declining health, Carla passed into larger
life on April 1st of this year. If she had had the opportunity,
she, in the spirit of a good scientist, would have realized that
her theory had been overturned by the hard data of actual
experience, and she would have subsequently, with great
humility, made this exact change to her book.
So we would like to suggest that when you read her
occasional statements in this book regarding seekers having
only until 2012 to make this choice of polarity, that you
simply ignore this statement. Carla’s emphasis on a date in
time in no way affects the rest of the message contained in this
book which, as you will soon discover, is largely concerned
with timeless spiritual principles.
Fortunately the heart of Carla’s message, and the remaining
99% of the text, is right on target. She writes effectively and
eloquently about the work of clearing and balancing the
energy centers that is the prerequisite for being available for
harvest. She had a gift for speaking from her heart, and for
helping other people to get their own heart chakras open and
clear. We are certain that you will enjoy your journey into
your heart, aided by Carla’s own.
In Love & Light,
Jim McCarty
Carla Rueckert’s husband and scribe for the Ra contact.
Louisville, Kentucky
July 12, 2015