08-17-2016, 05:28 PM
(08-17-2016, 05:01 PM)YinYang Wrote: Well, the way I understand the quote is like this, it mostly has to do with multiple possibilities/probabilities collapsing when a particular direction is taken. As an example, I am currently at a spot where I have a number of choices ahead of me; blue, red, yellow and green, I choose green and take action, so blue, red and yellow "cease" as possibilities, to use Ra's word. So if those 3 come to an end, and only green continues, then there is only one reality playing out, and not multiple realities. And that then applies to the past as well, if looked at from the future, because the others have collapsed.
This quote just popped into my mind as I was reading ricdaw's post about parallel realities, and multiple pasts. I'm not closed off to any such possibilities, or whether the choices not taken actually play out 'elsewhere', in other realities, I mean we all know that "there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy", I just lean towards one version realising, due to choice and action, in our particular space/time, instead of many. "Changing" the past in your mind, as a therapeutic exercise using imagination to heal trauma or wounds must be effective, the mind is that powerful, but it doesn't change the consensus past.
And I'm with you on the memory thing, memory is a very interesting subject. I have read some bizarre cases about memory. Bring the mind into the picture, and the anomalies and variations that can occur are infinite.
I understand what you mean. My subsequent point is that just because you choose green, doesn't mean that red, blue, AND yellow necessarily cease to exist - green coexisting with red and blue might be a paradox, green coexisting with yellow may still be a possibility. Or maybe red and blue become purple and that vortex is available. In the quote Ra is talking about a very specific event - a harvest that did not occur for Maldek because they blew up their planet. I don't think all possibility/probability vortices are such an either/or.
And you're right about imagining that trauma may not have happened as being a healing modality - however, I think around these parts we refer to that as "spiritual bypassing" - not using spiritual knowledge to actually engage in catalyst, but instead avoid it. If I negate all of the trauma in my past, then I lose that "progress" I made in coping with that catalyst. If I choose to forget a specific trauma that say, occurred between my mother and I, and in turn she also forgets that she perpetrated this trauma, doesn't the "consensus reality" of that event then change?