08-15-2016, 11:40 PM
(08-15-2016, 10:07 AM)Verum Occultum Wrote: I know this feeling. I know the description of the invisible pyramid. I believe very deeply that these are the steps of light. They are not actually "steps" that you walk, with you feet, but you expand your awareness. More of intelligent infinity is accessed. There is such a thing as spiritual intensity of activity. This is difficult to translate into language. But that activity is like an accelerated dream that your consciousness handles. There is a point of spiritual intensity that begins to feel uncomfortable or pressured to the consciousness, thus it goes no further.
this is such a cool description. you know how you associate certain visual images with concepts that are important to you? and how, it's difficult to move past those visual images because you're so used to the association? well, verum occultum, you just "upgraded" my image of what the steps of light are like. Until a few moments ago, i had a basic-colored, 2 dimensional "ascension" idea of what it is like upon death, a moving "forward," uni-directional idea. but your description stimulated a new, more acceptable image. now i see it as a mystical bluish/black stationary area in space, in which the entity "travels" - not forward or backward, but inward/outward. as you said, it is hard to explain. but nothing about the scene really changes, your spiritual perception of the scene intensifies.
of course this is also a child's drawing of a majestic landscape/event, but I've just moved beyond the more limited 'understanding' of it! haha. cool feeling. i need to start sharing more of what all you fellow wanderers are doing to my brain and soul when I read what you write, the gratitude for it will surely make it happen more often!