08-12-2016, 04:09 AM
(01-04-2015, 09:35 PM)Stranger Wrote: Access to intelligent infinity gives one very significant power, and therefore such access is restricted to entities who have demonstrated their capacity to use that power responsibly, i.e., have attained very significant spiritual progress. This restriction is not part of the quarantine directly, but is controlled by advanced beings.
I have been told that in third density in particular, given its thick veil, it is difficult to distinguish that which is in one's best interest from that which only appears so (for example, how many of us given the chance would not make our lives easier? but we may have intentionally placed difficulties, even very significant ones, in our path prior to incarnation in order to learn acceptance and love). Therefore, having the ability to change ourselves and our lives at will might in fact be very counterproductive.
But I have free will, and I am part of the Creator. Thus, there must be a way around these restrictions. There must be a way to access intelligent infinity despite the attempted blockage, or else STS entities would never be able. And they definitely are. So... where there's a Will, there's a way.
I don't want to bother anybody, or even to interact with other-selves except for sharing information. I'm interested in helping others in pain, because I understand pain.
But I also don't want to bow down to entities that try to keep me from magick when I'm not going to use it to affect any of their s***. I want my own room where I can grow; that's what I want; it;s the only point of human existence, so why should that be denied me?
There must be a way out.
(07-29-2016, 09:34 PM)Verum Occultum Wrote: I think you could channel vast amounts of information from intelligent infinity and handle that within physical experience. Still, there are collective rules. There is a certain 'distance' or 'deepness' of 'vortexlike' thought and information that if increased, the brain would be overstimulated or in analogy the circuity would receive too much voltage and burn out. But if you mean intelligent infinity in the sense of 8D, then no. It's so very extremely intense that we can not presently even imagine it. When one is unfazed in the vibration of true understanding, in that there is no medium between interior and exterior reality, then one may consider 7D experience. (Ra has said it is possible to go straight from 3D to 7D).
And what if one's intelligent infinity is hijacked by negative entities, and you are being dragged into an insane hell dimension? Your physical circuitry is fried, your emotions are dead, your brain (and entire body) is overcome with sick vibrations, you've become mildly convinced that intelligent infinity requires DNA sequences that have been damaged, you're dealing with brain damage and SRA-esque trauma and there are microchips in your head (that you manifested yourself), as well as advanced etheric implants designed to keep the chakras from working?
Deep down, I know that you're right, but it's hard when you touch the lower dimensions; you know, the Pit.
I know thagtintelligent infinity is everywhere and everything, but it's so hard to havd faith in such a situation. What should I do?