Nau7ik For me it has to do with Free Will. "Thou Shalt Not" do this' is a rule. While it may not be advised that one steal and kill, one has the free will to do so.
Jesus's s two commandments were asked of us, not demanded. And those two commandments make the Ten Commandments (and all the hundreds of others) irrelevant. To love the Creator and to love others encompass the rightful cammandments in a way that respects love and the free will of others. They are simply not needed.
Jesus's s two commandments were asked of us, not demanded. And those two commandments make the Ten Commandments (and all the hundreds of others) irrelevant. To love the Creator and to love others encompass the rightful cammandments in a way that respects love and the free will of others. They are simply not needed.