08-11-2016, 03:19 PM
There was one comment on a Seth forum that in my opinion greatly describes how we influence our past through the present. Now, it is to be considered that just as this can be done individually, so can it be done collectively. Here is the comment:
Quote:From the perspective of Big Deb in 2016: She has altered her past by watching the TV show on violins and communicating her emotional response so powerfully to Little Deb. Before that TV show in 2016, Little Deb never received a violin on her 11th birthday in 1961. But because of the TV show, Little Deb has now taken actions that have resulted in her now receiving the violin on her 11th birthday.
This would then become a “new” probable reality that Big Deb chose to physicalize in 2016.
This "new" past event of 1961--bleeds thru to the waking, conscious Big Deb in 2016 as a sudden memory. And Big Deb, while eating pizza with a friend, says to the friend, "You know, I just remember that when I was 11 years old I got a violin from my parents for my birthday."
What has happened, from the blinking analogy, is that 2016-Deb has blinked back into physical reality--and in the "bubble" of past, present, future--which had usually appeared as continual--there has been a change. This change in the past of the “new” bubble--appears as a sudden memory, or something "I hadn't thought about for a real long time." Then, in all the bubbles to come, she may include this “new” memory as part of an ongoing past memories.