08-11-2016, 01:16 PM
(08-11-2016, 10:36 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Ricdaw I concur with others in finding your post particularly brilliant. I however disagree with its principal premise, that being that the past consist of shifting probabilities, perhaps shifting in proportion to our present point of view. (“Present” here used in a temporal sense, not the eternal one.)
Even if we are on a “choose your own adventure” path whereby we continually pluck one path from an ambiance of infinite probabilities; and even if there are multitudinous versions of ourselves out there in the multi-verse – parallel dimensions where Truman chose not to drop the atomic bomb, or Lincoln chose not to preserve the union – we writing in the forums at this moment are on one particular timeline that is part of a continuum of countless, I contend, fixed decisions and choices before us.
I didn’t intend to contaminate a Ra forum with other channeled material, but The Seth Material explains at great length (book after book after book) that the probabilistic past is how things actually work. This is not to say that the past is so malleable that we can “choose” the one where Truman did not drop the bomb. We live in a consensus reality and the fact is that we, you me and everyone else, have collectively chosen the past where the bomb did drop. So as a practical matter, on the macro level, there is only one past. I was only explaining why entities outside our collective 3d physical reality might legitimately describe other “pasts” to us when they channel because from their vantage point there are multiple pasts that they can see.
I have an analogy. Newtonian physics is incredibly effective in describing our physical universe and the various laws of physics, but we actually know that quantum physics and relativity are a more basic understanding of how things really operate. Newton posits an objective billiard-ball cause-and-effective objective universe. But the true nature of our reality is entirely subjective and it exists only as a wave of probabilities until such time as it is observed whereupon the wave collapses to an actual state (quantum physics). Still, no one abandons Newtonian physics because it is so useful. It works.
The past works in the same way. In everyday life, we all accept one past (like Newtonian physics) but in actuality the past is subjectively chosen out of a multitude of possible pasts (like quantum physics).
While macro events (crucifixion, dropping atomic bombs, the holocaust) are consensus fixed, the fluid probabilistic actual nature of the past is incredibly useful at the micro level. Seth describes how to (essentially) change your own personal past to achieve healings. Seth also describes how we can slide between consensus realities. But since we are always ending up in a reality where everyone else believes the same thing that we believe, it doesn’t seem like we have shifted.
(08-11-2016, 10:36 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Regarding the different testimonies that may appear about one individual, including the different versions your mom may share about you, why would that be not attributable to subjective eye-of-the-beholder perception? And the various distortions therein.
Subjective perception is another rational explanation. I agree. It’s just not what Seth taught. I have explored the Seth explanation, experienced personal reality shifts, and find it psychologically true, i.e. my inner truth-sense validates its authenticity. If you are interested in exploring it, the Seth Material is the place to go. There are forums and groups analyzing Seth in exactly the same way we analyze Ra here. It is quit trippy.
(08-11-2016, 10:36 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: I think it potentially unhinging and even dangerous to say that history is that flexible, fluid, subjective, and probabilistic that there are no fixed, objective events. Certainly our perceptions, understanding, and retroactive experience of history is such, but asserting that the historical past (however illusory it, like everything else, may ultimately be against the backdrop of eternity) is probabilistic is to ratify holocaust deniers and others who would intentionally revise history to suit present, negative agendas. Or, more comically, the assertions of Christian fundamentalists that the Earth is 4,000 years old.
I do not speak of the flexible, fluid, subjective nature of the past with the general public, but here among philosophers and students of the Ra Material. I don’t think it is dangerous in this forum. Because we are dealing with metaphysics, however, it is important to be true to the subjective nature of metaphysics.
Here is a head twister for you. Seth and Ra agree on the nature of the Higher Self, it can be viewed from our perspective as our future self. Fine and dandy. But as the Higher Self interacts with its past selves (you and me and everyone) it changes the past. Seth confessed, in the later books, to being Jane Robert’s future self. And yet, at the same time, he said that he was different when he was Jane. !!!
This is a recursive looping relationship. Each time you or I advance to become our Higher Self, and we go about the task of “helping” our past self, we create a different past self. And then when that new past self advances on to become a future Higher Self, and he helps his past self, he creates yet another version of the past self. Ad infinitum.
Intelligent Infinity can sustain an infinite number of universes.
Intelligent Infinity wants us to explore every aspect of our selves.
So when I had the choice 20 years ago to move to New York and become a high powered corporate lawyer, after a long struggle and thought, I decided to stay. But I know that another me split off and did go to New York and became that lawyer. My probable self is actual and that thought-form is currently exploring that choice all the way unto death. It will be fun to see how that went, in the Afterlife Review. Seth would describe for Jane what some of her “counterparts” and alternative selves were doing, when asked. More trippy.
I take enormous comfort in the fact that both past and future are probabilistic and in the existence of the multi-verse. Because it means that the tiny spark of the creator known as “me” gets to explore all that I could want to explore in each lifetime. Unlike the “choose your own adventure” approach of a single linear time, I get to explore all the options in the book. Many “me’s” get to explore each branch. I don’t have to regret past choices because I know that I am (100% absolute certainty) also exploring all those roads not taken.
We are genius surfers on a sea of probabilities. The Magician surfs on the subconscious Seas of the High Priestess.
We are gods, each of us. We individually create a “big bang” of personal universes as we travel through life just like All That Is created Everything in the beginning. How could we do any less? We are All One.