I think I'd find it interesting to pick what parts are STS.
Considering this in the Hebrew faiths across the board it has greatly shaped our collective consciousness.
I am the Lord, your God. could easily encourage one to believe they are separate from the creator, that the creator is "other" than them. It also affords those perceived to be ordained by God power unchecked.
Thou shall bring no false idols before me. implies again that God is separate from all creation.
I'm sure there is more to this one than I'm seeing. Oh I know "give all your love, energy, and focus to me. don't think or contemplate on other parts of creation im divine all power to me and my church/ heigheracy.
Do not take the name of the Lord in vain. again I can only see it encourages one to see one version of self as devine while others less than
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. perhaps I'm picking at straws but every day is holy, this is just a control mechanism.
Honor thy father and thy mother. I've said it before an most disagree but I think seeing the family as more important than any other beings is not of love but of seperation. we are all one, all one family, one being and divinely encouraging the reverence of the nuclear family over others is about separating them on some level. Also honor thy mother/father can really do damage when not all mothers and fathers are sto. I know agree to disagree on this one lol also encourages loss of free will to others.
Thou shall not kill/murder†. the only thing I can think of is it left the STS folks unchecked to wield their power unchecked. Otherwise perhaps it has left people to suffer slow lingering deaths that may have been ease like we do for pets. For the most part though I agree killing is rarely sto or done from love.
Thou shall not commit adultery. personal beliefs are love shouldn't be about ownership. I know that isn't popular or common or even workable in our lust based society but think Eden I'm sure everyone loved everyone and no one worried about possession of one another. The elite buy and sell sex slaves, and even in those times it occurred so why was this not in a commandment but a command against sharing love is. I see it as control of something important which love is. Today we even consider emotional closeness adultery which further separates us one from another. Love is essentially limited and controlled even when no sex is involved.
Thou shall not steal††. stealing sucks but wouldn't a truly possitive statement be about sharing with those in need like Jesus dispersed. Especially since God was bothering to make a list.
Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. this one I would agree with except why specify neighbor. Is it okay in gods eye to lie about anyone else. The idea of seperation.
Thou shall not covet‡ your neighbor's wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbor). don't think about a pink elephant oh no now I made you think about a pink elephant. Tough luck GOd says you are bad!! Oh and again why just the neighbor? Go make war on people far away only steal their stuff it's ok. God says.
Hope I didn't offend with my comments I am hopeful others will share theirs and we can learn.[/b]
Considering this in the Hebrew faiths across the board it has greatly shaped our collective consciousness.
I am the Lord, your God. could easily encourage one to believe they are separate from the creator, that the creator is "other" than them. It also affords those perceived to be ordained by God power unchecked.
Thou shall bring no false idols before me. implies again that God is separate from all creation.
I'm sure there is more to this one than I'm seeing. Oh I know "give all your love, energy, and focus to me. don't think or contemplate on other parts of creation im divine all power to me and my church/ heigheracy.
Do not take the name of the Lord in vain. again I can only see it encourages one to see one version of self as devine while others less than
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. perhaps I'm picking at straws but every day is holy, this is just a control mechanism.
Honor thy father and thy mother. I've said it before an most disagree but I think seeing the family as more important than any other beings is not of love but of seperation. we are all one, all one family, one being and divinely encouraging the reverence of the nuclear family over others is about separating them on some level. Also honor thy mother/father can really do damage when not all mothers and fathers are sto. I know agree to disagree on this one lol also encourages loss of free will to others.
Thou shall not kill/murder†. the only thing I can think of is it left the STS folks unchecked to wield their power unchecked. Otherwise perhaps it has left people to suffer slow lingering deaths that may have been ease like we do for pets. For the most part though I agree killing is rarely sto or done from love.
Thou shall not commit adultery. personal beliefs are love shouldn't be about ownership. I know that isn't popular or common or even workable in our lust based society but think Eden I'm sure everyone loved everyone and no one worried about possession of one another. The elite buy and sell sex slaves, and even in those times it occurred so why was this not in a commandment but a command against sharing love is. I see it as control of something important which love is. Today we even consider emotional closeness adultery which further separates us one from another. Love is essentially limited and controlled even when no sex is involved.
Thou shall not steal††. stealing sucks but wouldn't a truly possitive statement be about sharing with those in need like Jesus dispersed. Especially since God was bothering to make a list.
Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. this one I would agree with except why specify neighbor. Is it okay in gods eye to lie about anyone else. The idea of seperation.
Thou shall not covet‡ your neighbor's wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbor). don't think about a pink elephant oh no now I made you think about a pink elephant. Tough luck GOd says you are bad!! Oh and again why just the neighbor? Go make war on people far away only steal their stuff it's ok. God says.
Hope I didn't offend with my comments I am hopeful others will share theirs and we can learn.[/b]