08-05-2016, 03:13 AM
i remember feeling somewhat similar to u when i was that age. i wished for adversity and struggle since i felt like i was stagnating in comfort and safety. lots of the early 20's was a period of adjusting to constant comparison of what others my age had achieved or mourning how i couldnt go back to the infinite potential of childhood and teenage years and the growing realization that i was becoming stuck within a niche i created myself but was unhappy within. it was a difficult period and i did end up seeking help and going on medication for depression which were suprisingly helpful. one thing i did find however was by the age of 26 or so all the things that concerned me immensely at 20 didnt bother me nearly as much anymore. surround yourself with good people. enjoy the simple things in life and pursue your passion and hobbies to the best of your abilities and stop measuring yourself to other people. mourn the loss of lost realities and lost time but know that life is fairly long when you really think about it, and if u live to 60 you'll have 3x20 year lifetimes under your belt. Just because you didnt immediately start your journey on the right foot doesnt mean you wont lead a wonderful and fulfilled life. just dont be afraid to seek medical help if u really need it or the pain gets too much. its not a failure and u use it until u dont need it anymore.