(08-02-2016, 08:20 AM)Verum Occultum Wrote: Now, here is the major revelation in the quote:
Quote:"The activation, while in yellow ray, of violet-ray intelligent infinity is a passport to the next octave of experience."
If one is absolutely determined to seek the heart of the Creator while in third-density, they can gain entry into the gateway density (true-color violet) and come to eventual Nirvana (8D).
One word of warning about this quote -- Ra occasionally uses the word "octave" and "density" interchangeably. So they could be conceivably referring to simply the next density of experience. It is also possible that you are correct and it does in fact refer to octave in the sense of 8th density intelligent infinity. For what it is worth, I believe it is possible for complete dis-identification of form as we know it to occur in certain extremely rare cases, whether that is what Ra was intending to say or not.
For the most part, I have a similar view of the bodies as you: each density contains seven bodies corresponding to the seven energy centers which are links to the different colored rays. In each density, the seven bodies range from the physical (red) all the way up to the purely nonphysical (violet). So a physical 3rd density body is the red ray subdensity of true color yellow. A physical 2nd density body is the red sub density of true color orange, and so on. So in each density we have the: physical (sometimes called the chemical body), lower astral (sometimes called the "lower emotional body"), middle astral (lower mental body), higher astral (higher emotional body), devachanic (higher mental body), causal (etheric body -- as Ra called it), and the buddhic (spiritual or "universal" body).
So just like we have a different chemical body in each density, we have different astral bodies in each density, different causal bodies, different devachanic bodies, and so on in each progressive density. As we evolve our ability to "take in" and utilize the rays becomes more refined, which results in more refined manifested vehicles in these different planes.