08-01-2016, 12:48 PM
(05-14-2016, 12:16 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: So if we stretch the computer metaphor, perhaps the matrix is more like a hacker and the potentiator is more like the Internet. The Internet of Things is limitless and nebulous, while the hacker's evolution is not properly an increase of knowledge, so much as an increase in his ability to access whatever information he might require. This metaphor, however, might fall flat when we bring the Transformation into consideration: what could it mean for the hacker to view the Internet as either a maiden or a prostitute?
Perhaps the concept of the magician being the "hacker" is the prostituted relationship to begin with. If the internet (metaphorical high priestess) were viewed as a "maiden" to be "courted" the information would not be accessed in a "hacking" sort of way, in other-words, rather than trying to brute force your way to whatever information you required/desired, you would instead be supplicating or asking various personalities (metaphorical aspects of the high priestess) for assistance accessing the information you desired, in more of two way cooperative relationship. It would be akin to contacting other individuals over the internet and supplicating their assistance and expertise in divulging the information you desired (with an acceptance of the fact that they might well refuse you if you don't go about doing it the right way.
Other fruits of that less prostituted relationship could be these various aspects showing you various gems of knowledge and sources of information that otherwise you might not have found on your own.
I think the analogy correlates quite nicely. Each relationship has strengths and weaknesses. The hacker accesses any information he wants if he has enough personal skill, and he doesn't have to ask for permission. The humble supplicant gets communion with a wealth of expertise, knowledge, and creativity provided they achieve the trust and affection of the various aspects of the high priestess.