(06-09-2016, 11:34 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: First of all, free will and the Gaia quarantine are a very odd situation - firstly, Ra says that within our time/space continuum, having the many planetary groups finishing their cycles here on Earth is unique, which is why the vibrations are so difficult. Secondly, it was Yahweh who many years ago first infringed upon the third density population of Gaia when the population of Mars decided to finish its cycle here. So, Gaia has already been "infringed" by a group who had previous destroyed their planet, and a lot of this "quarantine" nonsense is the fallout from those actions.
This is what Ra says about the density shift and Gaia's role:
Quote:6.16 Questioner: What is the position of this planet with respect to progression of the cycle at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. This sphere is at this time in fourth-dimension vibration. Its material is quite confused due to the society memory complexes embedded in its consciousness. It has not made an easy transition to the vibrations which beckon. Therefore, it will be fetched with some inconvenience.
The planet has already shifted into 4th density, it is the lag of the confusion of our fragmented social memory complexes from many different planetary entities that make the transition difficult. Wanderers have come to help smooth those energies.
Quote:6.13 Questioner: Thanks. Is all of the Earth’s population then, human population of the earth, are all of them originally from Maldek?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a new line of questioning, and deserves a place of its own. The ones who were harvested to your sphere from the sphere known before its dissolution as other names, but to your peoples as Maldek, incarnated, many within your Earth’s surface rather than upon it. The population of your planet contains many various groups harvested from other second-dimension and cycled third-dimension spheres. You are not all one race or background of beginning. The experience you share is unique to this time/space continuum.
Earth's free will as a planetary entity is quite complicated, and I can't begin to understand it, except that Ra says its vibrations are already 4th density, and it's the mind complexes of its people who are keeping it trapped in 3rd.
Yeah with just a bit of an open field it is easy to sense this planet's vibration is above 3D. I still don't think this being the case is unrelated to what I have been talking about.
I agree with what you said about those of Yahweh but I still don't think to even things or balance things has been the focus.