Quote:Do you not see that within the nuance of courting, there is the extended act of "getting to know one another"? I mean, that's the whole point... treat others as if you are getting to know them so that you can love them properly.
I never said otherwise. What I think is that it's like loving a colony of ants by looking at them. Even if you take the time to understand their system and see them work, you don't really get to know them personally with what they experience and go through. It's seems actually impossible to think one can actually get to know them to be honest. I do think the sun is aware of the experience we go through on earth but I do not think the sun can know us personally and emotionally like we could not do the same with ants. The purpose of this is simply to be aware that loving unconditionally something that is very conditional to a particular experience without actually going through how it feels to be experienced is not as unconditional as it seems. I just hope I say this right. It is not an attack on radiating love like the sun.
Quote:But, the Transformation of the Mind is about getting to the "greater" path through the "lesser paths". You talk about how it isn't about polarity but it's about "surrendering to the experience of separation." ?? How is that different than "polarity"? The Transformation of the Mind is about polarity, service to others vs. service to self. I can't fathom how it would be otherwise. It is so specifically not about being "balanced" between the two paths because that means you aren't having a Transformation of the Mind. That's where we disagree. Within the context of the Transformation of the Mind, the "greatest path" is which ever path you invest your effort into, within the spectrum of polarity/separation. You have to choose one over the other to use the transformation.
I've never said it isn't about polarity. I've specifically said I've agreed it is a polarised relationship. What I said is that the positive way of doing it doesn't have courting as it's only mean of expression.
Quote:If it's hard for you to conceptualize how you use your resources or the resources of others in a negative way, then no, I don't think you are using the transformation. I can look around my room and see a dozen things that I am using as "resources" and am not properly connected with, and as I take the time to acknowledge ways that I am using things without full acknowledgement of their sentience and free will, I use the Transformation. Of course, this takes honest judgement of the self without any negative judgement or guilt as retaliation for what one perceives as a possible "failure".
It is not hard for me to conceptualize that. I think it is more about how one perceive that. If you think you are plundering some ressources of your life, it seems just likely that you will experience more negative polarity from them than one who has a different relationship with the same things.
Quote:Q'uo very recently said that the point of distortion is not to suffer it. Ra also says that we should feed the starving entity. Why would I let someone I love languish without comfort? It just seems implausible to me. But maybe I just don't truly understand love...
I have already said that I already know that I would do the right thing about this one. I have not been challenged by any analogies in this thread where I would have been confused as to what would be the positive and negative choice to do. I am discussing the specifics of different situations which are not my own.
Quote:This is not my bias. This is not my analogy. If you think it is wrong, you are disagreeing with the Law of One and Ra. That is entirely fine and each seeker should take what resonates and leave the rest, obviously. It just seems unnecessary then to repeatedly come into this thread to tell me that I'm wrong when I'm interpreting with the bias I was taught to interpret the material with.
I would be happy to see any quotes you have where Ra implies that 3rd density entities don't experience love through mated pairing.
I would also be happy to hear any other analogies or over-arching concepts of how the archetypes work without using any sexual/mated pairing analogies, although I understand if you don't have any because that sounds extremely tedious.
I have already also said like 5 times that I don't imply you are wrong or that the analogy is false. Again what I say is that this particular analogy represent a certain focus not the whole archetype. It is not without reason that Ra does not speak of courting when first mentioning the archetype but mention it when asked to go deeper. Ra uses specific experience to describe the principle and uses an analogy in which it is fitting. What I say is only that it is not fitting everywhere.
I also don't dismiss mated pairing to be an important part of the experience of this octave. I know very well that everything experience a duality of opposite energies. What I say is that it is not what defines the archetype it is was is experienced through it. It seems just important to differenciate both.
I'm also not a big fan of quoting I must admit. I sometimes find if I need quotes to support a point then I probably don't need to express it anyway. But there are many moments where Ra says that the desire of the creator is to know itself and the importance of finding love and acceptance in the moment. I'll give you a few. But what I mainly mean by them is that you can find the love in the way you react to catalyst but unless you also see the love in the moment in the already present state before even interacting with it is done without understanding and therefore it becomes a very personal experience. It is not wrong either. I mainly just preach the personal side of it and the relativity of each experience.
Quote:The nature of the vibratory patterns of your universe is dependent upon the configurations placed upon the original material or light by the focus or Love using Its intelligent energy to create a certain pattern of illusions or densities in order to satisfy Its own intelligent estimate of a method of knowing Itself. Thus the colors, as you call them, are as strait, or narrow, or necessary as is possible to express, given the will of Love.
Quote:The subjective acceptance of that which is at the moment and the finding of love within that moment is the greater freedom.
Quote:The nature of the vibratory patterns of your universe is dependent upon the configurations placed upon the original material or light by the focus or Love using Its intelligent energy to create a certain pattern of illusions or densities in order to satisfy Its own intelligent estimate of a method of knowing Itself. Thus the colors, as you call them, are as strait, or narrow, or necessary as is possible to express, given the will of Love.
Quote:However, the distortion of free will causes the social memory complex to appear as a possibility at a certain stage of evolution of mind. The purpose, or consideration which causes entities to form such complexes, of these social memory complexes, is a very simple extension of the basic distortion towards the Creator’s knowing of Itself, for when a group of mind/body/spirits become able to form a social memory complex, all experience of each entity is available to the whole of the complex. Thus the Creator knows more of Its creation in each entity partaking of this communion of entities.
Quote:No... I'm not saying it's about literal courting, either. But I think one needs to understand what love, and affection, and devotion, and compassion feel like. These are these feelings that the Transformation of the Mind is talking about cultivating. Like when you see a puppy. You're not spraying yourself with cologne and practicing pick-up lines, you just get down on your knees and scrunch its face, and it licks you back and showers you with pure healing love. True, not everyone likes that sort of thing, but as 4D moves in those people are moving out and heading to another planet anyway. So I'm happy to let people have their separation, but I will continue to attempt to radiate love and unity like the sun, because I feel motivated to help with the transition.
I guess I just wouldn't spare those people without getting to know them really and send them elsewhere. I desire that everything experience what it desires, even more than I wish to experience anything in particular.
Quote:And I agree about Facebook, I guess I just see Facebook as a giant advertising platform. People use it to advertise themselves, mainly! I don't think it's such an inherently negative thing, but if that's one of your main social interactions with others as a group (as it is for most people), I can definitely see how it can distort perceptions.
No it is not my main social interacion. I don't really use it actually. I just witness how it is being used.
I don't understand how I get such a negative feedback from you like you feel attacked or something but I am probably just failing at expressing what I mean. Sorry that you feel bothered by my words. I put no such intent while writing them. I simply answered questioned that were directed to me when the thread was revived. I simply find a need for expension in ideas about the archetype but maybe you are more interested in discussing courting. If that is the case just don't think I reject your point. I totally understand what you mean when you say that you court everything. I just see this as being your experience of it and having a different experience of it. I am probably one of those people which wouldn't want to be a dog that gets it's face scrunched.
Anyway the way I see it is that if I started loving the way you do I would probably lose everything I cherish in my life just as you would lose everything that you cherish in your life if you started loving like I do. We love in infinite ways and we explore different focus of love to help the creator to know itself and each of our ways has the purpose to help our personal path towards this direction.