05-28-2016, 08:31 PM
Quote:The sun is a positive radiating entity that shines unconditonally. But do you think the way the sun loves you means the sun understands you?
I guess I thought the goal was the radiate like the Sun (Significator of Spirit). I think the Sun is a being far greater than we can even imagine, and yes, that it loves and understands me. We are its sub-logoi!
Do you not see that within the nuance of courting, there is the extended act of "getting to know one another"? I mean, that's the whole point... treat others as if you are getting to know them so that you can love them properly.
Quote:The visual aspect of the card is clear to me. This was never a debate plundering vs courting. It is about knowing deep inside that they are both not the great way, there is a greater one. That's why the male closes his eyes to follow actively it's intuition rather than seeking it outward(passively) as ricdaw described. The choice of the two females is a passive distraction of what is actively going on inside.
But, the Transformation of the Mind is about getting to the "greater" path through the "lesser paths". You talk about how it isn't about polarity but it's about "surrendering to the experience of separation." ?? How is that different than "polarity"? The Transformation of the Mind is about polarity, service to others vs. service to self. I can't fathom how it would be otherwise. It is so specifically not about being "balanced" between the two paths because that means you aren't having a Transformation of the Mind. That's where we disagree. Within the context of the Transformation of the Mind, the "greatest path" is which ever path you invest your effort into, within the spectrum of polarity/separation. You have to choose one over the other to use the transformation.
Quote:If I follow your logic, you are telling me that the way you resonated with this analogy implies that you used to consider the ressources of your deep mind and others as prostitutes that were yours to plunder as you like? And that you came to transform by giving up that idea to find a desire to court others into your service just like it is for the unconscious mind? I personally don't think I have ever considered my intuition as something to be plundered. I also don't think categorizing the deep mind as a single duality will get one really far into understanding it. There is much more to it. Just like I wouldn't feel plundered by everyone that do not court me. Would you?
It's a spectrum. I grew up as a martyr and I did use my own resources as a "badly used prostitute" because that was what was often demanded from those around me. I can see what the analogy means. It means, I put demands upon myself without compassion for myself. If I behaved how I perceived to be poorly or like I was letting people down, I was hard on myself. When someone asked for my time/energy, I gave it without hesitation and care to my own well-being. When really, all I needed was -someone- (myself) to reassure me and place value upon myself, not just for how others and I could constantly have access to my resources to use on a whim. Sometimes, I don't feel like serving, and that's okay. I've learned to see myself as an ally, and a co-creator and not a victim who is plundered. "Service to others leads to service to self"... eventually. And with this experience of courting myself, I've becoming "greater", i.e. more crystallized and able to distill more love/light into the collective.
I also extend this analogy to just about everything I buy. How are we spending our money? Are we going to McDonald's and Wal-Mart, giving our energy (money) to entities that have shown obvious disregard for the resources of others? Or are we eating out at restaurants owned by local people, spending the few extra dollars to buy our groceries and household items at establishments that are not such obvious "resource rapers", just by obvious comparison? Are we driving a giant gas-guzzler when we can afford something with more economical mileage? These are issues that arise every day, resources that we often plunder without thought.
If it's hard for you to conceptualize how you use your resources or the resources of others in a negative way, then no, I don't think you are using the transformation. I can look around my room and see a dozen things that I am using as "resources" and am not properly connected with, and as I take the time to acknowledge ways that I am using things without full acknowledgement of their sentience and free will, I use the Transformation. Of course, this takes honest judgement of the self without any negative judgement or guilt as retaliation for what one perceives as a possible "failure".
Quote:If you truly love them, you would honor their reasons for being distorted and being alive.
Q'uo very recently said that the point of distortion is not to suffer it. Ra also says that we should feed the starving entity. Why would I let someone I love languish without comfort? It just seems implausible to me. But maybe I just don't truly understand love...
Quote:Ra imply in different ways that the real love has nothing to do with the kind of love we describe here on earth when thinking of mating relationship. And it seems especially important that I insert that here because seeing how you describe each archetype, especially the fool, I feel that you have a bias towards seeing each archetype through the lens of mating relationships.
Quote:84.22 Questioner: Before the veil, were there— Let me put it this way: Did the Logos, or did most Logoi plan before the veil to create a system of random sexual activity or specific pairing of entities for periods of time, or did they have an objective in this respect?
Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this working.
The harvest from the previous creation was that which included the male and female mind/body/spirit. It was the intention of the original Logoi that entities mate with one another in any fashion which caused a greater polarization. It was determined, after observation of the process of many Logoi, that polarization increased many fold if the mating were not indiscriminate. Consequent Logoi thusly preserved a bias towards the mated relationship which is more characteristic of more disciplined personalities and of what you may call higher densities. The free will of each entity, however, was always paramount and a bias only could be offered.
This is not my bias. This is not my analogy. If you think it is wrong, you are disagreeing with the Law of One and Ra. That is entirely fine and each seeker should take what resonates and leave the rest, obviously. It just seems unnecessary then to repeatedly come into this thread to tell me that I'm wrong when I'm interpreting with the bias I was taught to interpret the material with.
I would be happy to see any quotes you have where Ra implies that 3rd density entities don't experience love through mated pairing.
I would also be happy to hear any other analogies or over-arching concepts of how the archetypes work without using any sexual/mated pairing analogies, although I understand if you don't have any because that sounds extremely tedious.
Here is another quote, that supports that Ra's third density experience also followed this bias towards mating pairing:
Quote:88.14 Questioner: Was the concept given to— let me ask— you say it originated there… was this concept devised for a training tool for those inhabiting Venus at that time or was it devised by those of Venus as a training tool for those of Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. The tarot was devised by the third-density population of Venus a great measure of your space/time in your past. As we have noted the third-density experience of those of Venus dealt far more deeply and harmoniously with what you would call relationships with other-selves, sexual energy transfer work, and philosophical or metaphysical research. The product of many, many generations of work upon what we conceived to be the archetypical mind produced the tarot which was used by our peoples as a training aid in developing the magical personality.
But it's likely that sexual/relationship stuff has no real deeper meaning, right?
Quote:How would you expect someone who cannot even court to go through the transformation of the mind? Do you think this transformation of the mind to be only accessible to those whose courting abilities are strong enough?
No... I'm not saying it's about literal courting, either. But I think one needs to understand what love, and affection, and devotion, and compassion feel like. These are these feelings that the Transformation of the Mind is talking about cultivating. Like when you see a puppy. You're not spraying yourself with cologne and practicing pick-up lines, you just get down on your knees and scrunch its face, and it licks you back and showers you with pure healing love. True, not everyone likes that sort of thing, but as 4D moves in those people are moving out and heading to another planet anyway. So I'm happy to let people have their separation, but I will continue to attempt to radiate love and unity like the sun, because I feel motivated to help with the transition.
And I agree about Facebook, I guess I just see Facebook as a giant advertising platform. People use it to advertise themselves, mainly! I don't think it's such an inherently negative thing, but if that's one of your main social interactions with others as a group (as it is for most people), I can definitely see how it can distort perceptions.