(10-05-2010, 11:30 PM)Crimson Wrote: At least in this planet under current circumstances you cannot have a "socialist" society.
I am fine with that. That is what I believe as well. It is not practical due to distortions toward power on 3D Earth.
To add to it- I think it will be more like entities freely sharing their fruits of labor just like a tree shares it fruits. But before anyone partake of it, tree owns the fruits (rather a caretaker of it in the meanwhile if someone does not like the connotations with owning)...
We also have to look at the natural world to see how they use the resources. In a forest there are many different tree and each have their own unique flavors and abilities. In order for them to be their best Mango tree or an apple tree they need different resources and may consume differently. Some will grow to be really tall and some would grow to be very short. This is just the order of the things. They will have their fruits and share them freely. But you can not expect them all to be the same size and shape and neither expect them to consume the same resources...
Also we know that there is an individual component in all this. If someone does the right thing and get aligned etc they get harvested on an individual level. It is not like their whole society gets harvested due to their efforts. it is not collective harvesting, it is individual harvesting and we know that.
That is just my opinion... (I will go more on a listening mode now as I have expressed what needed to be expressed)
(10-05-2010, 11:28 PM)unity100 Wrote: if that person wants to wear different clothes everyday, and this is how he wants to be, if this is how he can be, you can be sure that he wont be in 4d positive for a long time yet. so, this is a non-point.
I thought we had already settled this. We had already said that 4D socialism is possible with service oriented people becoming part of the government and hence no corruption.
This whole discussion is for 3D socialism which I said is impractical and you said quite possible.
So please do not muddle up the discussion by mixing these streams. Please go back and read again what we have already covered.
Besides If we really are not concerend about what people wear then why are we trying to make them wear the same thing. Let them BE. It really does not matter...Even looking at abundance negatively is an attachment no less...