10-05-2010, 07:19 PM
(10-05-2010, 06:34 PM)thefool Wrote: So are you saying that when one entity works towards getting harvested to the next density, they don't add any special abilities to themselves. It all belongs to the collective and the whole planet will harvest along with them. That does not make too much sense.
what even does 'special ability' mean. in 6th density, even the male/female distinction goes away.
however lets say they do. then what ?
will some entities be allowed to have 'more', because they have 'more' special abilities than others ? or, their 'special ability' is in more demand ?
what relevance does special ability have to equality. leave aside the orange ray blockage of 'ownership' ?
Quote:Oh! I see. Now we are using a term called attachment instead of owning. What is the difference other than the word game? Same with ownership, you don't own things from eternity to eternity as life is fluid and changing all the time, you are only "attached" to them for a time being... There is no difference in using either word.
those two differ.
attaching a spirit to a body with a silver cord is a different matter, an entity attaching oneself to something else with an orange ray blockage is another.
its not just a 'word' play.
Quote:somewhere in the same thread you were saying about wearing the same uniform (gosh that would look ugly, very military like don't you think) and now here you are suggesting it does not mean identical. Wearing the same uniform is very identical to me.
if you are equating wearing the same uniform with entities being with identical skills, i cant even respond to that.
if you think wearing different clothes differentiates entities, i would say comment that that would be a very shallow approach to differentiation.
what matters is the entities themselves. what's expected to be beautiful than ugly, are the entities' souls.
Quote:Again here you are saying all the skills will be equal. That is just the value system. You will consider them as equal. So a plumber would be considered equal to the painter. But that still implies different skill sets.
So is it identical or equal? Equal I can buy but identical like in the same uniform or everybody living in the same house or same height is not very ...unique like a snoflake is...
two doesnt differ at all.
equal means equal in rights and amenities in the context we are discussing. NOT the differentiation of 'skill sets' (Whatever relevance that does have to this).
im under the impression that, you are trying to bring the subject to 'because everyone doesnt have different 'skill sets', the amenities/opportunities they should have should differ according to their 'skill sets'. is that correct ?
let me put it in the 'uniqueness' context :
regardless of how different you are like a snowflake, than another person in your society, you would get exactly the same salary in a positive society. (if we put it in crude terms of this planet).