Night Owl Wrote:The thing is someone cannot simulate empathy. If someone was to take that catalyst and not care but pretend to care they would not really be of service. The way to realize how to be of service for that person would be to think of which choice increase seperation and which choice increase oneness.
It's true that the heart with which a gift is given, determines whether it is even a gift at all. A gift given out of a sense of duty, is no gift, let alone emulating empathy. I just feel it is not so much an intellectual process, that's all. If feelings of joy and pleasure accompany the gift, there is a "something unseen" transferred to the recipient. The aim is to lift that person higher, through love or open heartedness, just because you yourself have it, and imparting it is joyful, and definitely oneness. Giving with a hesitant heart , or seeing them as lowly or pitiful, is even injurious to them.