05-16-2016, 10:54 PM
Well, I think this is where the misunderstanding lies.
I've been trying to explain this the whole time, heh. Firstly, you are likely seeing people who are "courting" in a way that is not "pure" as per Ra, Ra says courting the maiden has "nothing of plunder in its semblance". So if someone is lying to inflate the ego, they're likely taking the attitude of plunder.
I've fallen in love and been in love multiple times, actually. The ways you describe "courtship" are not what I have experienced. I mean, I have experienced what you describe, but I've also experienced something else. When you are in love with someone, you aren't doing nice things for them to win them over, you're doing nice things for them because you love them and want to make their life easier/better. And the act of fulfilling their needs is exactly what fulfills yours. It's actually a very specific and all-encompassing feeling, and if you don't understand it, I'd recommend pondering the pure, archetypical love that is implied, and not the distorted, romantic-comedy version of events that we are all sold on TV.
Isn't this a contradiction?
I disagree and actually think the opposite. Courting implies that if there is resistance, one backs off, because you are respecting the wishes of the one you are courting.
Why is there this assumption that two people must lie to each other, or manipulate to come together as a couple? Isn't this possibly a personal, nihilistic distortion?
And again, it's not because you -have- to court or win over the subconscious/other selves, they will always be there. It's how you choose to treat them and think of them within the mind. Yes the analogy is shallow but that's because each person is supposed to take their own interpretation. If the Tarot archetypes don't work for you as a system, if they don't resonate in their analogies, maybe if you want to study the archetypes you should seek astrology or the tree of life. Because this isn't my own "distorted" analogy, this is just the one I was given to work with. And it makes complete sense to me. I can see and feel exactly what the card means. Maybe I just have an advantage because I'm in an 8 year relationship - so this is why I'm struggling so hard to explain that what you are considering as "courting" as a dirty word is not the intentions of Ra, but in the pure sense that you want it to imply, where there is no coercion, no resistance, no attempts at deception. Just the "constant orgasm of joy and delight in each other's beingness".
Quote:If you think it does not then tell me how do you think you can court someone without flattering the ego because hontesly I have not witnessed such a thing and have witnessed a whole lot of courting in my working environnement.
I've been trying to explain this the whole time, heh. Firstly, you are likely seeing people who are "courting" in a way that is not "pure" as per Ra, Ra says courting the maiden has "nothing of plunder in its semblance". So if someone is lying to inflate the ego, they're likely taking the attitude of plunder.
I've fallen in love and been in love multiple times, actually. The ways you describe "courtship" are not what I have experienced. I mean, I have experienced what you describe, but I've also experienced something else. When you are in love with someone, you aren't doing nice things for them to win them over, you're doing nice things for them because you love them and want to make their life easier/better. And the act of fulfilling their needs is exactly what fulfills yours. It's actually a very specific and all-encompassing feeling, and if you don't understand it, I'd recommend pondering the pure, archetypical love that is implied, and not the distorted, romantic-comedy version of events that we are all sold on TV.
Quote:Maybe I am the odd one but I am not looking to get, gain or win anything out of a relationship. I seek love without resistance.
Isn't this a contradiction?
Quote:Courting implies resistance.
I disagree and actually think the opposite. Courting implies that if there is resistance, one backs off, because you are respecting the wishes of the one you are courting.
Why is there this assumption that two people must lie to each other, or manipulate to come together as a couple? Isn't this possibly a personal, nihilistic distortion?
And again, it's not because you -have- to court or win over the subconscious/other selves, they will always be there. It's how you choose to treat them and think of them within the mind. Yes the analogy is shallow but that's because each person is supposed to take their own interpretation. If the Tarot archetypes don't work for you as a system, if they don't resonate in their analogies, maybe if you want to study the archetypes you should seek astrology or the tree of life. Because this isn't my own "distorted" analogy, this is just the one I was given to work with. And it makes complete sense to me. I can see and feel exactly what the card means. Maybe I just have an advantage because I'm in an 8 year relationship - so this is why I'm struggling so hard to explain that what you are considering as "courting" as a dirty word is not the intentions of Ra, but in the pure sense that you want it to imply, where there is no coercion, no resistance, no attempts at deception. Just the "constant orgasm of joy and delight in each other's beingness".