(10-05-2010, 03:49 PM)thefool Wrote: Of course there will be private property on positive path. Positive path is full of riches and abundance that you share with each other but how do you share something if you don't own it. The concept of ownership may not be as tight as in 3D. Entities would be more open to let go of their stuff but yes they will possess stuff. Entities would be surely more giving of their possessions but they will surely have possessions. Do you think there would be community wardrobes if people chose to wear clothes?
wow. you even use 'of course'.
so, a manifestation of orange ray blockage, the concept of 'owning' something, 'possessing' something, will be on positive path ?
it is wrong to possess people, but, it is ok to possess anything else than people, as a manifestation of orange ray blockage then ? hold on to them, be their fate's sole decider ?
yes, i actually do think that there will be community wardrobes if people chose to wear clothes. actually what is being relayed from close encounters suggest that, everyone wearing same outfits.
Quote:If nothing else you own your own body, do you think someone will come up and say I want to now use that body?
noone 'owns' their body. its an attachment until a defined time, and that body is a part of the infinite intelligence manifesting in 1-2 d on this planet. you cannot 'own' any part of intelligent infinity. leave that aside, even that attachment can be shared, and is shared, as can be seen from channeling work and similar transient spiritual phenomenon.
Quote:What is so wrong about owning stuff that you have earned?
technically everything. first, one doesnt 'earn' things. actions that change, shape the intelligent infinity manifesting as infinite energy, are just what they are - actions that change, shape infinite energy. it doesnt confer any 'rights' to anyone (it is also arguable that there is any 'right' concept existing) over them. we are just focuses, causing change in intelligent energy, just like everything else that exists.
this may be rather a higher vibration concern, however there is a much more immediate and important one :
'own'ing concept, 'mine' concept, is a apparently manifestation of orange ray. orange ray identification. a blockage. it has the same mechanic of identifying with nations, groups, concepts, but has a more negative tone. the entity 'own'ing something, brings superiority and overlordship of the owned to the manifestation of orange ray blockage.
in short it is a blockage that needs to be opened.
Quote:I would add that it is really a choice of the society and individual. There may be some society who completely operate with the communal principle and you will share a lot of stuff. But this is not a requirement for the positive. You may be join a society that owns stuff...
this may only pass as valid for early stages of 4d positive. as it progresses, and entities go towards 99% polarity - not to prepare for their harvest, but as a natural consequence of that density's nature -, they will have to get rid of all such 'own'ing concepts.
that is, if they have sufficiently cleared any kind of orange ray blockages to be able to get into 4d and evolve in 4d to that point.
Quote:Entities in higher densities will also have different skills and specializations so are not all going to look and act the same. They will be unique in their own ways, how do you apply socialism to that?
that seems to be misinformation that says socialism means 'identical'.
no such thing exists. different skills and specializations coexist, cooperating. competing instead of cooperating. that is the logic of positive multi-beingness in the first place.
only that, all the skills and specializations, will be equal, and their manifestors will have equal rights to whatever community creates, including their own creations. just like how in a group of people, maybe a tribe with no orange ray or yellow ray power and ownership distortions.
Quote:I think you are applying 3D thinking to higher dimensions. You are thinkign 4D or higher is just going to be bigger and better version of today. I am saying that it is qualitatively different.
i want to refer you to the point that Ra mentions existence (leave aside this octave, or its universes) have been created hierarchical, in discrete organization.
it requires limitations to be in place to manifest any kind of organization. universe, as you see, has its limits. its time/space counterpart may be much more larger, but it will also have its boundary, limit. it wont change with dimension. even if a dimension is phenomenally larger, it will still be limited with its manifestation. and that depends a lot on the central sun of that universe, i might add, as an opinion of mine.
btw, i dont even get what this '3d thinking' means. 3d of this octave is just another density, and it is bound by the same laws that govern the existence of multiple-beingness that govern it in other densities. only rations, proportions may differ.
Quote:This is a S/T example.
I thought we were talkign about T/S being unlimited. Time/Space should have unlimited time as well. That is what concept of eternity is all about.
what im saying is space/time, and time/space of this universe are limited, and proportional to each other. otherwise there would be no balance, and a single universe would exist instead of infinite universes. hence, the concepts of parallel existences, and all parallel existences of an entity merging into totality in 7d would go to dustbin, because, one universe would be infinite and encompass everything. but, there are many universes, even in this octave, according to what Ra says in the topic about multiple existences of an entity and their unification in 7d into totality.
i have at no point said that t/s was unlimited. any existing manifestation has to be limited. else, it wouldnt be able to manifest. this also includes time/space.
i think this 'owning' concept should be taken this way :
it is a manifestation of orange ray identification, in a negative manner. ie, 'i own this', means, you have the 'rights' to be the decided of what the fate of that object is going to be, who can do what with it, even what it can do on its own (for living entities), in short, what happens to it. so much that, it is basically like an extension of you, instead of an entity, existing. this can be smoothened by positive approaches, ie, like love, or abiding by certain rules, regulations, understandings and whatnot, but, it wont change the basic 'own'ing concept that underlies deep down.
it is a manifestation of orange ray identification, rather negatively.
lets think of an entity who is ok with 'own'ing property, things, money, even animals. but, - according to himself/herself - doesnt have such possessive problems with people. all fine and dandy ...
an entity is basically a lightbulb. it will radiate the amount, nature and frequency of the energy it radiates outward, modified by its various mental biases and bodily situations. (at least for the manifesting part).
so, one entity who is acting with orange ray blockage against objects, 'own'ing them, reveling in the fact of that ownership or finding it normal a moment ago, will be the same person, radiating the same mixture of energy, when put against an individual. (3rd density entity).
only, the mental conditioning that such blockages should not be manifested against people will modify the situation somewhat. but, if this is not a mental conditioning, but a real spiritual bias, then the modification of mental conditioning will be only as effective as the strength of the conditioning.
even if the bias is not spiritual, but, a mental conditioning that is a result of this society, ie 'you need to own things', it will still cause an effect on the resulting end manifestation of entity in regard to orange ray.
ie, in short, the entity will be possessive in various degrees. this, may not surface as 'own'ing, or being possessive, but may come to surface as behavior like quarreling, arguing, dominating, this or that, depending on the general formation and emotions of the individual.
long story short, orange ray blockage is not good, and it will affect the behavior negatively, unharmoniously.
now, lets take this entity and assume he died, and going to another planet to live. either as a graduate from 3d, or, as an entity repeating it, or as a wanderer who came here and going back.
if, the orange ray blockage manifestations were induced by mental conditioning, due to this society's negative structure, when the societal biases are ripped off from the entity's mind, the entity will probably revert back to its natural spiritual stance on this, whatever it is. but, it is possible that, long durations or strong level of mental conditioning probably can affect spiritual bias, and create bias whereas there wasnt a particular one. ie, the entity may be more possessive now.
if, the orange ray blockage was stemming from entity's spiritual bias, then even if ripped off from this society's mental biases, entity will remain with that orange ray situation. actually, depending on its life experience, we can say that living on this planet may even further that bias.
so, in either case, i think this is not something good, and all entities who can, should work on those blockages in order not to keep any spiritual biases, which will follow an entity until they are balanced, wherever it goes.