05-04-2016, 11:25 PM
If I would describe how infinity feels it'd be something like a wide empty void with serene beingness in solitude that grows.
But when attempting to conceptualize infinity you can only come to face the final duality. That is that the universe is either a paradox that you accept that you cannot solve with your current tools and abilities or that there is no paradoxes possible and that all that creates paradoxes are distortions and that the amount of beingness required to solve this paradox is infinite. Infinite in growth and infinite in potential. This paradox either doesn't exist or grows infinitly with the infinitely expanding universe.
One thing remains certain, our octave is a really vivid one because of the original thought that is love. Love is what allows growth and progress toward what is desired and is in some way only an extention of freewill. Freewill can only be given in love. So in that sense love could be seen as a qualitative adjective and extention of freewill which is also a qualitative adjective of self awareness. That would be why they are simultaneous. There cannot be a duality of seperation self/other self without liberty of potential. As such it is really adequate of Ra to mention how the human race seems obssessed with numbers while truly there is nothing to count. Everything is in quality not quantity. So our octave could be interpreted as a machine whose engine is an explorator of desires and uses qualitation as fuel. The result is a material that is ever expanding in qualitation(AKA love/wisdom) and depends on illusionary duality to be maintained or sustained.
This quote from Illamasqua found me particularly perplexed though: '' the Illusion of Limits—will continue indefinitely: because Infinity can never be truly "known," leaving the Creator infinitely free to explore Itself "forever" ''
It brought 2 big set of questions in my mind.
1-Are there really limitations to the creator? Freewill and limitations seems to be a paradoxal duality. Is limitation really what allows the creator to explore forever? Then how is that free? Is the focus on the freewill or on building limits that allows it? If freewill can only exist within limitations than there must be a tremendous amount of work and energy given into that particular step. Like programming a game.
It seems obvious though that if the creator was to mannifest right before our eyes and interact with us then the illusion which we experience could not continue further because it would definitely collapse. Even though that's basically impossible it leaves me to wonder which one is free? The infinite or the individualized? Are we free because infinity is not? Or are we not free because infinity is? I think that is why freewill is a distortion. It still is a biased representation or concept based on duality. It is like something that exist while not existing. Maybe it is malleable enough so that if you focus on freewill it exist as the source of your experience and if you don't then you remain complete programmation.
If you are programmation then you are limited to set parameters but you still play your role in the freewill of the rest of the universe. It seems to be a fluid concept and not a rigid parameter. Maybe it is a variable and not a constant that can be injected into the individual parameters.
2- Does our current configuration requires to be that way to exist or is it simply desired because of the amount of qualitative it can create as opposed to a different configuration? And what does an infinite amount of qualitative experience allows to create as a big picture? If you want to picture infinity, that picture would be as close as you can get. And why does the logos emphasis on qualitative so much? Yes it creates more vivid beingness but by which standards is vivid better than anything else? Did the creator became bored with none-vivid experience?
But when attempting to conceptualize infinity you can only come to face the final duality. That is that the universe is either a paradox that you accept that you cannot solve with your current tools and abilities or that there is no paradoxes possible and that all that creates paradoxes are distortions and that the amount of beingness required to solve this paradox is infinite. Infinite in growth and infinite in potential. This paradox either doesn't exist or grows infinitly with the infinitely expanding universe.
One thing remains certain, our octave is a really vivid one because of the original thought that is love. Love is what allows growth and progress toward what is desired and is in some way only an extention of freewill. Freewill can only be given in love. So in that sense love could be seen as a qualitative adjective and extention of freewill which is also a qualitative adjective of self awareness. That would be why they are simultaneous. There cannot be a duality of seperation self/other self without liberty of potential. As such it is really adequate of Ra to mention how the human race seems obssessed with numbers while truly there is nothing to count. Everything is in quality not quantity. So our octave could be interpreted as a machine whose engine is an explorator of desires and uses qualitation as fuel. The result is a material that is ever expanding in qualitation(AKA love/wisdom) and depends on illusionary duality to be maintained or sustained.
This quote from Illamasqua found me particularly perplexed though: '' the Illusion of Limits—will continue indefinitely: because Infinity can never be truly "known," leaving the Creator infinitely free to explore Itself "forever" ''
It brought 2 big set of questions in my mind.
1-Are there really limitations to the creator? Freewill and limitations seems to be a paradoxal duality. Is limitation really what allows the creator to explore forever? Then how is that free? Is the focus on the freewill or on building limits that allows it? If freewill can only exist within limitations than there must be a tremendous amount of work and energy given into that particular step. Like programming a game.
It seems obvious though that if the creator was to mannifest right before our eyes and interact with us then the illusion which we experience could not continue further because it would definitely collapse. Even though that's basically impossible it leaves me to wonder which one is free? The infinite or the individualized? Are we free because infinity is not? Or are we not free because infinity is? I think that is why freewill is a distortion. It still is a biased representation or concept based on duality. It is like something that exist while not existing. Maybe it is malleable enough so that if you focus on freewill it exist as the source of your experience and if you don't then you remain complete programmation.
If you are programmation then you are limited to set parameters but you still play your role in the freewill of the rest of the universe. It seems to be a fluid concept and not a rigid parameter. Maybe it is a variable and not a constant that can be injected into the individual parameters.
2- Does our current configuration requires to be that way to exist or is it simply desired because of the amount of qualitative it can create as opposed to a different configuration? And what does an infinite amount of qualitative experience allows to create as a big picture? If you want to picture infinity, that picture would be as close as you can get. And why does the logos emphasis on qualitative so much? Yes it creates more vivid beingness but by which standards is vivid better than anything else? Did the creator became bored with none-vivid experience?