04-27-2016, 01:37 PM
(04-27-2016, 12:21 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: As does attempting to contemplate a total unity where subject and object collapse. I believe firmly that it is literally impossible for the mind complex to see beyond subject and object. Our minds are hardwired to perceive and shape reality in those terms. Indeed we are the product of that subject/object split.
I think only through the mysterious process of enlightenment/awakening due we "understand" unity, and that understanding is not whatsoever a property or function of the mind, though it does seem to dissolve much of the mind complex activity.
Such contemplation, however, needs doing! The more time we can turn our attention to the Creator, the more that we correspondingly and proportionally become that which we seek, that which we always have been all along.
Good points, GLB. I agree on all fronts.
I don't think mind can see beyond the subject/object nexus because it literally *IS* that split. Subject is mind (the "who" principle), object (the "where/what" principle) is body/matter (or really anything we have mentally labeled as an object outside of our ego). And spirit is the relationship between these illusory subdivisions and undistorted unity.
My current model for the triage of mind/body/spirit is that "spirit" (undistorted pure awareness) is looking in the mirror of "mind" (self reflecting inner projected consciousness) and seeing the reflection of "matter" (outer projected consciousness).
Mind is essentially the ego structure (a particular perspective) and essentially the inversion point between spirit and matter. Basically the spirit produces an artificial division by choosing, "willing", or attempting to identify its infinite substance as an object. This reflexively causes dissociation to occur resulting in the formation of MIND or EGO. It is almost like the act of attempting to quantify the unquantifiable (the attempt to "know") forces a certain amount of beingness (or attention/focus) into a "lower energy shell" of infinity, where illusory perceptions may occur. Sort of like how the two poles of a magnet are just one magnet, but if you identified with just one of the poles and looked at the other pole, you might see it as "other" than your "self". Or another analogy: a snake looking at its own tail and mentally concluding that it is a separate object (and perhaps even trying to eat it because of its faulty assumption -- which is akin to all us monkeys trying to kill each other on planet earth).
In any ego structure, there is an inner and outer aspect. If you assume an "in here" you reflexively also assume an "out there". This becomes, in my opinion, primal time/space (realm of love/light) and primal space/time (realm of light/love).
So the first step, from my point of view in terms of seeing "beyond" the subject/object illusion is to polish the mirror of self so that it becomes a pristine and accurate reflector of spirit. Afterall, the reflection in the mirror can only be as accurate as the mirror is undistorted, so the more distorted our mind complex is, the more distorted the material reflection will be. This appears to be what many "sages" advocate, based on my research.
I think this "polishing" is akin to the process of polarization. Eventually the reflection becomes so pure that one can't help but consciously recognize the ultimate congruency of mind, spirit, and matter on a visceral and fundamental level. This naturally collapses the ego structure and frees the consciousness from its artificial subdivision. This process can take billions of years, or a single lifetime. I think there are no hard and fast rules. We have all eternity.
And I think this is what is termed "enlightenment".