04-24-2016, 03:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-24-2016, 03:48 PM by Illamasqua.)
(04-23-2016, 09:01 PM)anagogy Wrote: How do you picture infinity?
First of all, you wouldn't see it. This is perhaps the most glaring obstacle most entities encounter when attempting to ascertain the nature of the One Infinite Creator (as vision/visuals—including time/space imagination—necessitate the 3rd distortion: Light). If one perceives the Creator in some form, shape or color, then they are only perceiving the illusion (of the Creator, granted!). This is understandable, however, as the illusion is, by its very nature, no less than very, very beautiful. The Light will therefore captivate the eyes/mind of the observer.
That said, Infinity, Intelligent Infinity, or the One Infinite Creator is that which is "prior" to any distortion, completely beyond any conceptualization and therefore totally uncognizable* (which is why Creation—the Illusion of Limits—will continue indefinitely: because Infinity can never be truly "known," leaving the Creator infinitely free to explore Itself "forever").
Infinity is the absolute potential "before" any Creation occurs. It is the "un-created" Creator, totally "at rest," perfectly "still" without any movement or change whatsoever—the very mystery of Beingness/Existence itself.
It just is. Period. No additions, subtractions, divisions or multiplications.
This potential (Latin for power) refers to the ability or capacity to act or do work (this work, of course, being that rotational/vortexian/focal/centrifugal force known as Love). Due to Infinity's own, well, infinitude, this power or potential can be no less than equally infinite (limitless/unrestricted), which is why the 1st distortion is freedom of will of awareness: the means by which the Creator "chooses" to focalize or con-centrate into one particular kinetic focus of activity/creativity or vortex of ideation (Love) as a means of self-exploration through the Illusion of Limits (the holographic, kaleidoscopic "Light-Show" created by/from/out of Love). Hence, the plurality of Loves or "Logoi" occurring both simultaneously, concurrently and parallel to each other, and the infinite number of Creations that are radiated from and absorbed back into each Love in the blink of an eye or heartbeat only to go to "sleep" or coalesce/dissolve once again into infinite potential.
It is especially interesting to note that Infinity cannot create Infinity: it can only create illusions of limitations of that Infinity—but it can (and therefore will) create such limitations infinitely.
As to the question of whether to call Infinity "intelligent," "conscious" or "aware is," from my own experiential perception/distortion, totally irrelevant: Infinity is intelligence itself and intelligence is infinite, always been/existed and never ceasing. The problem is, as always, words. Being a "simplicisist" at heart—and aware of the *extremely* great potential for semantic misunderstandings/disagreements courtesy of this Tower of Babble—I merely endeavour to to simplify.
*Yes, the Creator will know Itself. However, what it will know that Its own infinity/potential is truly unknowable. This is the greatest and most ultimate realization, in fact, as it is what propels the Creator to create and create and create indefinitely: the ever-lasting desire to know Itself.
(04-24-2016, 03:54 AM)YinYang Wrote: Infinity is something I often contemplate, almost daily, and imagining it just leaves me with a sense of overwhelming amazement.